Papers and More Papers (#103 Arrest)

Jan 15, 2012 05:27

Title: Papers and More Papers
Prompt: #103 Arrest
Author: ladygray99
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Colby, Gary, Amita, Don, Alan
Word count: 300
Warnings/Spoilers: Talk of Domestic Violence
Summary: Time for Amita to face the music.
Notes: Written for numb3rs100. This is part of the Blood Poisoning series.
Beta: none

Papers and More Papers (#103 Arrest)

Colby planed it all like a covert mission making sure everyone was in their place. Karen took the lead with Gary flanking as the rounded the back of the craftsmen. It felt cold. Colby could hear voices raised. Don, Alan, Amita.

“Oh Good. Everyone’s here.” Karen took out a stack of papers. “Doctor Amita Ramanujan, this is a restraining order. You are to keep 500 yards, or 457 meters if you prefer the metric, away from your husband Doctor Charles Eppes at all times and have no contact except through legal counsel.” Amita’s jaw dropped open. Karen handed over another stack of papers. “This is a suit for damages both physical and psychological received via extended abuse.” Amita still looked shocked. “Divorce papers of course. I’ve slipped in some stills of you and your toy boy.”

“What?” Don and Alan snapped eerily in sync.

“A copy of our petition to the FBI that your security clearance be revoked pending an investigation into assault charges.”

“You can’t do that!” Amita final found her voice.

“Oh, and of course a suit for full custody of Ada Eppes. And I suggest you not fight that one.”

Karen stepped aside and Gary stepped forward. “Dr. Ramanujan you are under arrest for assault and domestic violence.”

“Charlie will never go through with this.” Amita snarled as Gary slipped on the cuffs. “And I have a good lawyer.”

Karen smile and held up her card so Amita could read it. She also handed one to Don and Alan. “I hear they call my boy over there the bastard son of Clint Eastwood and Yoda. Well I got news for you dearie, I ain’t Yoda.”

Colby wanted to laugh at the look on Amita’s face but he was too busy bracing himself for what was coming next.

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fandom: numb3rs, character: don eppes, character: colby granger, character: amita ramanujan, character: gary walker, 100's, rating: g, character: alan eppes

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