Grey and Blue (#58 Clouds)

Oct 03, 2011 04:21

Title: Grey and Blue
Prompt: #58 Clouds
Author: ladygray99
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Neal/Kate
Word count: 100
Warnings/Spoilers: none
Summary: It was raining when Neal went to prison.
Notes: Written for whitecollar100.
Beta: none

Grey and Blue (#58 Clouds)

The trial had not been short so it was winter by the time the guilty verdict came down.

It was raining when the bus drove him through the prison gates. It rained as Neal was stripped, searched, processed, and shown to his cell. It kept raining. Dark heavy clouds thick with rain settled over the prison.

It was one of the wettest winters on record. Neal couldn’t help thinking it was somehow fitting; the grey of the skies blending into the grey of the walls.

That winter all that kept him sane was Kate’s eyes in their flashing, stunning, blue.

fandom: white collar, pairing: neal/kate, rating: g, 100's

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