Title: In Trouble
Prompt: #84 Stockings
ladygray99 Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Charlie/Robin
Word count: 100
Warnings/Spoilers: bondage
Summary: Robin’s not one of those kind of women.
Notes: Written as an expansion of a fill for
bdsm_fandom ’s 3 sentence challenge. Original prompt; adult male/adult female, bondage from
scripps .
Beta: none
In Trouble (#84 Stockings)
Robin wasn't one of those women, the kind in the porns that bend over for the men and get spanked and tied up and smile like they like it. If Don had even hinted that she try it he would have found himself out in the cold.
And yet here she is, hands bound above her, legs tied wide with her own ruined stockings, and being watched intensely by the Eppes brother that she isn't dating.
Then Charlie pulled on some leather gloves and she felt a new wave of wetness between her legs and knew she was in trouble.