Title: Silver Surprise
Prompt: #24 Silver
ladygray99 Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Peter, Neal
Word count: 100
Warnings/Spoilers: none
Summary: Neal blames Peter for an unpleasant surprise.
Notes: Written for
whitecollar100 Beta: none
Silver Surprise (#24 Silver)
They all heard the scream from the bathroom. Peter went in first gun drawn. Neal pointed to him from in front of the sink.
“This is your fault,” he shrieked.
Peter looked around for a threat. “What’s my fault?”
“This.” Neal bent over and pointed at his head. Under his finger was a small clump silver hairs shining among the brown. Luminescent, fairytale wizard, silver. “You’ve given me grey hairs.”
“They’re silver. And there are only a couple.”
“Grey!” Neal shrieked again.
“If they bug you pull them out.”
“Then I’ll have a giant bald patch!”
Peter sighed and left.