Title: Body Shot
Prompt: #279 Sour
ladygray99 Rating: PG13
Characters/Pairings: Colby/Amita
Word count: 100
Warnings/Spoilers: alcohol
Summary: Colby finds different tastes.
Notes: Written for
swingandswirl who is always there and always loves to see this pairing.
Beta: none
Body Shot (#279 Sour)
Colby licked the thin white line of salt off of Amita's smooth, tan belly.
He trailed his tongue north between her firm full breasts until he encountered glass. He wrapped his lips around the shot glass and tilted his head back, the tequila burning this throat.
Someone pulled away the glass. He leaned back down and plucked the yellow wedge from Amita's lush red lips. The sour of the lemon brought tears to his eyes the way the tequila hadn't.
He went back to her lips and kissed them. “You know a joint bachelor/bachelorette party was a brilliant idea.”