Title: Sweet Thing
Prompt: #122 Carnal
ladygray99 Rating: NC17
Characters/Pairings: Charlie/Billy
Word count: 100
Warnings/Spoilers: handcuffs
Summary: Charlie hates cute pet names.
Notes: Written for
numb3rs100 Charlie/Billy smut, just for you all.
Beta: none
Sweet Thing (#122 Carnal)
Charlie wiped the sweat from his eyes as a snarl came from his lips. He hoisted a freckled ankle to his shoulder.
“Come on Sweet Thing, is that the best you can give me?”
Charlie snarled again and thrust back hard, his balls slapping loudly against Billy’s ass and the cheap motel bedspread burning his knees.
Billy’s breath finally shifted to fast and shallow. He pulled against his own cuffs.
“Hey, can Little Billy get a little love down there?”
Charlie slowed down his own thrusts determined to have revenge for every cute little pet name. “Not until I’m done.”