Title: Two, Twelve, Nine, Six and Four
ladygray99Prompt: #213 Overpower
Word count: 100
Pairing: Ian, David, Colby, Don, Nikki
Rating: R
Warning: Violence
Summary: They’re everywhere.
Notes: Written for
numb3rs100, part of
A Silk Pillow ‘verse.
riverotter1951 Two, Twelve, Nine, Six and Four (#213 Overpower)
“Freeze FBI!” Ian shouted.
Shots screamed around his head.
“Where are they coming from?” Sinclair shouted.
“Two. Twelve. Nine.”
More shots.
“Six and Four!” Granger added.
Ian returned fire.
Everyone returned fire.
“We’re pinned down back here!” Eppes shouted over the radio.
“We’re surrounded up here.” Sinclair responded.
Ian saw movement and took a shot. The movement he didn’t see nearly took his head off. He dove for cover.
“Agent Down, Eppes Down!” Betancourt shouted over the radio.
“I’m fine!” Eppes quickly responded.
Fall back, Sinclair signaled.
Ian eyed the door.
A pile of crates fell.
Sinclair and Granger vanished.
Time Left /
Doesn't Matter