Title: Time Left
ladygray99Prompt: #90 Countdown
Word count: 100
Pairing: Charlie/Ian, David
Rating: PG13
Warning: none
Summary: One second left.
Notes: Written for
numb3rs100, part of
A Silk Pillow ‘verse. Honestly I'm not happy with this but it's the best out of a whole lot of garbage. If I can ever get the words flowing better I will rewrite it.
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Anyhow, aside from some possible confusion over what you meant by that term where you used it ( I think I got it more or less right - he mentally 'breached' - came up from the place of concentrated focus he should stay in for an op like this) I liked this drabble. It conveyed the mental distraction and loss of focus rather well.
I don't think it needs to be re-written - maybe just one or two sentences to clarify what's happening when he "breaches" - I got it but I do know a lot of people who probably wouldn't have....Maybe you need to find a different word to describe what happens other than "breached" - maybe you should just SAY he lost focus or something.
Anyhow, I actually did like it. It has a rather surreal quality. Like I said, as it turned out, I DID have the correct idea about what was happening and I don't think you should be as down on this one as you seem to be.
I've read lots worse(not from you; I wouldn't describe anything of yours that I've read as 'bad'!). LOTS. I liked the somewhat wandering, surreal quality and I thought it conveyed his state of mind well. So if you just must re-write, try to keep hold of that quality - it worked well here.
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