Tribunal Chapter 8 part three

Jul 09, 2012 01:49

Final section of Chapter 8 Part 3 of Tribunal.

Stiles flipped open his phone and listened to his messages. They too became more severe as his father threatened him over and over again, but there was no way for the sheriff to mask his fear. Stiles felt incredibly guilty listening to the messages. His father had no idea what was going on or where he had been tonight, but there had been another animal attack and a girl was hurt. From the sounds of the times stamps on the messages it had been before the battle. The last message turned Stiles white as ghost and only Scott noticed.

"Stiles, what's wrong?" Scott asked.

Everyone in the room went silent and looked at Stiles.

"It's Lydia. She was attacked," Stiles said almost dropping the phone. "Another person found her with bite marks all over her body; like those my dad found in the forest. She is in ER and they don't know if she is going to live…"

"What?" Jackson yelled getting to his feet.

"Jesus," Scott swore.

"My dad, he thought, he thinks I'm missing. I need to get to the hospital," Stiles said, then turned to the wolves in the room. "Do you think that Peter did this, right? I mean she was the only one not with us…. he must have known….why would he do this?"

"He was insane," Derek said.

"Not helping," Scott snarled back at Derek.

"Jen, you're a doctor, will you come with me to look in on her?" Stiles asked.

"Certainly. Let me grab my bag," Jen said but Chris grabbed her arm.

"We haven't decided anything," Chris said. "We need to make a decision."

Bear was suddenly there with a big hand on Chris's arm. "Let go of my wife."

Chris let go of Jen and shook off Bear's hand, looking up at the larger man not afraid and almost defiant.

"We need a plan," Chris insisted.

"Fine. You, Derek, Langston, Bear, Allison, and Scott come up with one. I am going to take Jackson and Stiles to the hospital. Make up a cover story. I'll say that these two were with me helping on a late night project studying something. But if this girl was bitten and is in a hospital I need to be there to help her transition or cover up the evidence, since neither the Tribunal nor the pack want this kind of exposure, agreed?"

"Fine," Chris said.

Jen nodded and Stiles was already outside followed by Jackson. Jen grabbed her bag, gave Bear a quick kiss and grabbed the keys to her SUV. The rest watched as they tore out of the parking lot. Scott and Allison shared a look that echoed one another. Not one of them had considered that Lydia was target. Even Chris, the master Hunter, had not thought about it. The adults all started talking at once. Allison made certain she sat on one side of the room and Scott on the other but they could not help and stare at one another. Chris would think up the decision for a cover story, no doubt. As for the pack master, Scott dreaded to meet the man. If he were anything like Bear, than he would be terrifying. Scott's attention shot back to the door leading to the exam rooms. Where was Maya? Wasn't this pack master her mate? What was her opinion on these things? Scott stared at the door willing her to join them, praying she would figure a way out of this mess. Scott had been right, the breath the universe had been holding was just let out and the tension was so thick that he could feel it press in around him. Scott hated it when his fears turned out to be right.

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