Aug 03, 2005 14:19
I got the job. I am not a bus girl. I am a waitress, and I got Saturday and Sunday dinner hours, plus two other dinner shifts during the week. I will soon be making more in tips than I got paid for at Tony's altogether. By the way... I might just have to leave without notice, because my weekends at Captain's are now more meaningful than my wasted nights at the Inn. Captain's is cleaner, more organized, and closer. It also closes at 10 most nights, and they follow the rules there, so I will automatically be evicted AT TEN every night, if I don't get out earlier, anyway. No more midnight or 1:00 A.M. bullshit. The only con is that there are no computers there... it's all hand written and calculated. I'll get used to it soon enough. There ARE no bus people, the waitresses do everything themselves, so no more crappy 10% tip for doing everything at the table. I have to go back tomorrow at 5:30, and I got a copy of the menu so I can study it at home. I don't have to bother with any lunch shifts, either. w00t!