Oct 02, 2016 12:00
- Sat, 16:15: "I like it these cats!" Of course you do, honey. #grumpsunite #grumpycat #n2ewuakye #toddler… https://t.co/XWtHMoGNzZ
- Sat, 16:23: RT @ sallylloydjones: Normality is a paved road: It's comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it. ~Vincent Van Gogh https://t.co/UOKB…
- Sat, 16:24: RT @ badbanana: October. Tricking us into eating candy corn since 1882.
- Sat, 18:26: Lest we forget... 2 years ago. #grumpycat #whereitallstarted #grumpsunite #baby #n2ewuakye… https://t.co/0BAr3Xs42h
- Sat, 18:30: And then, of course this. 2 years ago. You see the resemblance. #grumpsunite #grumpycat #baby… https://t.co/ywPLU3mKTO
- Sun, 06:01: 10.2 In My Cup. Stirring in my "creamer". #everydayphotoaday #inmycup #n2ewuakye #toddler… https://t.co/koC0fli8dG
- Sun, 06:05: How do I love both of ye? Let me count the ways. Seriously, 😍😍😍 #walmart #fall #mugs #swoon https://t.co/MGRehjO39g