So, I can't remember if I mentioned this in my first post after the move, but
our housing management was paying the cost of our basic cable--we only had to pay to rent the boxes. Weeeeellll... now they're not paying it. Apparently. As I just found out a couple weeks ago, when I went to pay my bill and it was $40 more than it should've been!
So my bill was going to be $110 from now on, but this month's bill was going to be over $200(!!!!) because housing stopped payment in the middle of a month and I had to pay retroactively. Ugh. So we had to get rid of cable. *sigh* Not that we shouldn't be used to going without, seeing as we had no cable the whole time we were in Texas, but it's nice to have it sometimes.
Of course, this happens just as I've gotten into Falling Skies and right before the new Thundercats is due to start on CN. Luckily it seems I can still watch Falling Skies on TNT's website. Not sure if Cartoon Network puts whole eps of things up or not...
Anyway, on to anime... Jpop got me into Blue Exorcist and Deadman Wonderland during his vacation time these past two weeks. I was going to ramble about them but I feel kinda braindead today so I'll just say I HIGHLY RECOMMEND checking them out. DW gets kinda gruesome, just as a warning, so I suggest reading the summaries and warnings first.
After catching up on 10 eps each of those, I started watching Fairy Tail with J, since he's always watching it and laughing his ass off, and he said he wouldn't mind starting from the beginning again... but after 3 nights of staying up most of the night and getting only a few hours of sleep, I fell asleep halfway through the third ep... and we haven't been able to pick it back up since coming back from Indiana cuz we've had all this other crap to do. I don't really watch anime by myself anymore, so if we don't watch it again soon I'll prob just go start on the manga. :p
Speaking of watching stuff with J, I tried to get him to watch Merlin with me. I should say I've been trying. Ever since I started watching it months ago, I've been trying. He refuses, for reasons unknown. It's really... IDK.. irritating..disheartening..confusing..? Because, when we first started going out, one of the many things we had in common was a love of medieval lore and Arthurian legend. In fact, my screen name comes from his old (oldoldold) screen name (gizarme, which he used mostly for gaming), which he made after reading a book about King Arthur, and a gisarme was used in a battle (and he spelled it with a z because Z pwns S). So having Merlin as a common fandom seemed like it should just be us naturally coming full circle. But no, he won't watch it. >_<
Well, at least I got one of my bros into it, though he also fought me on it and by the time he agreed to watch it, we only had time for half of the first series. And then he was all, "Damn, this IS good." And I said, "I TOLD YOU. Why wouldn't you watch it before?" He said, "I don't trust your judgment." Which is utter rubbish, as proven by the fact that after he complained to me about reading manga being stupid cuz he prefers real books and I argued with him about its merits and now he reads manga, but w/e.
Oh! And since this post already mentions Merlin and Falling Skies, I just remembered a little thing that amused me.
So when I got Nic into Merlin, aside from the love and the squealing, she kept complaining about Merlin's wardrobe. Especially his neckerchiefs. Honestly, they don't bother me. Somehow, they're endearing. But OMG Nic cracks me up whenever she goes on about it. XD
THEN, when I was catching up on Falling Skies, after a whole bunch of drama, I found myself staring at the screen, blinking, pausing it, and texting Nic:
me: Watching falling skies on demand. Lmao Tom wears a neckerchief!
nic: Yes dood! I was like, this is the new style!
In related news, scruffy Noah Wyle is still ♥♥♥