I memorize the words to the porno movies

Sep 12, 2006 09:02

I.. I don't understand. Am I too old fashioned? Is there something wrong with my thoughts and feelings? Am I the only person not obsessed with sex?! I'm feeling kind of upset right now. And sick. Sex makes me sick. A few days ago, the hint of phonesex came up and the thought of it made me dizzy and I vomited. My boyfriend knows this. So why is it so hard to understand I can't handle sex? I'm feeling sick right now. I'm sure this is surprising to some people as I have no problem with joking about sex or even roleplaying sex.. but none of that is serious or real. It doesn't affect me the same. I can even handle shit like porn.. anything.. as long as it's not me and sex.

This is probably wrong of me to post, but I'm doing it anyway. Watch me get dumped for it, but I just don't understand.

I actually decided to cut out the conversation. Perhaps it's too private and personal to post publically.

(LJ-ify your IMs before pasting!)

I also don't understand the last part. I don't want to ask what he means because I don't want to fight. I think I'm gonna go sleep for another 18 hours.

EDIT: Ok, so I finally cracked and hell, I'm fucking amused with myself. Read this at your own risk of losing your sanity.

uchiha teme: i'm going to bed, i'm pissed now
xOGxMeNaCe: That means you still can and you see it has no meaning
xOGxMeNaCe: To you it's like giving a hug or waving? No meaning
xOGxMeNaCe: ?
xOGxMeNaCe: That hurts.....
xOGxMeNaCe signed off at 9:14:32 AM.
xOGxMeNaCe signed on at 9:17:56 AM.
xOGxMeNaCe is away at 9:19:06 AM.
xOGxMeNaCe returned at 9:19:12 AM.
uchiha teme: giving a hug has meaning, more meaning than sex
uchiha teme: anyway laying on my bed i found a solution
xOGxMeNaCe: What's that
uchiha teme: from now on i'll be kimimaro.. you would love dating kimimaro and kimi has a sex drive, a healthy one, and flirts
uchiha teme: i'll just be a female version
xOGxMeNaCe: Is that a joke?
uchiha teme: i figure if i can roleplay what you want, then why can't i be what you want
xOGxMeNaCe: I want becki
uchiha teme: it's not a joke at all
xOGxMeNaCe: And how exactly would that work
uchiha teme: i'll simply act as if i were him instead of me
uchiha teme: i do it every day
uchiha teme: you might not find him perfect though
xOGxMeNaCe: You don't understand that I love how you are, but flirting and stuff wouldn't hurt
uchiha teme: he did write graffiti about wallfucking his girlfriend finally.. on a wall
uchiha teme: but no one is perfect
uchiha teme: he thought it would be a sign that they were together, and special
uchiha teme: well becki doesn't seem to be working well for you
uchiha teme: becki doesn't flirt.. she doesn't discuss sex.. hell she's some what of a prude now
uchiha teme: then again becki never really did flirt.. even when she was a slut
uchiha teme: becki also used to go by the name serina and not becki
uchiha teme: serina is a whore
uchiha teme: a filthy dirty tramp
uchiha teme: and yes, becki is quite capable of speaking about her different persons throughout her life in third person
xOGxMeNaCe: I don't know what to say
xOGxMeNaCe: So you're not serina?
uchiha teme: no i'm becki
uchiha teme: you, are unfortunately dating becki and not her locked away counterpart serina
xOGxMeNaCe: You have multi personalities?
uchiha teme: well no
xOGxMeNaCe: So who the fuck is dating serina?
uchiha teme: multiple personalities would be like..
uchiha teme: uh
uchiha teme: serina is dead
uchiha teme: becki killed serina
uchiha teme: and locked her away
xOGxMeNaCe: That's clever
uchiha teme: clever clever
xOGxMeNaCe: Coming off a little crazy right now...
uchiha teme: i am a little crazy *shrug*
xOGxMeNaCe: So what is your plan
uchiha teme: to try and give you kimimaro
uchiha teme: because you'd be happier
uchiha teme: becki doesn't seem to make you happy
uchiha teme: you're always miserable and we always fight
xOGxMeNaCe: But I want becki
uchiha teme: and i'm tired of fighting
xOGxMeNaCe: So you're giving me serina
uchiha teme: *shrug* well if you want becki then you gotta take the whole package and deal with the bullshit too
uchiha teme: no, serina is not kimimaro at all.. different people
xOGxMeNaCe: Kimimaro is a fucking guy
uchiha teme: yes, but he'd be your perfect girlfriend :D
uchiha teme: ironic, isn't it?
xOGxMeNaCe: That's not even a real person
uchiha teme: he's witty and loving and caring
uchiha teme: sure he is
uchiha teme: he's a component of me
uchiha teme: to be able to act, you have to be able to 'be'
uchiha teme: i took acting in HS
xOGxMeNaCe: You're calling him kimimaro
xOGxMeNaCe: That's a guy
uchiha teme: that's why i can roleplay different people, i do a character study
uchiha teme: call her kimi ;D
xOGxMeNaCe: No lets not call her kimi

Amused? I fucking am.
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