Random fact of the holiday Season =0)

Dec 24, 2006 13:15

OK random fact of CHristmas politics =0) Yes something educational before numbing ones mind wth family, food and reindeer. THe 12 days of christmas was writing in 1800 England when Catholics had lost control of the stated religion and was a secert coded message to fellow Catholics during a time they felt terrorized. ok enough for the educational moment I finally reviewed some of my post in my blog on myspace and I realized I was a bit demented in the past on there. I am glad I am migrated over here just like I have migrated my life, I am over all happy and content. I have a few down moments like everyone else but for me to be happy at CHristmas is a really turn around for me. I say my dad's family yesterday andmy Stepdads family. ( I didnt get to watch the Yotes' goals on Jiggy so I can over look that lost since I was open the best present ever at the time A subcrition to Hockey new =0) very kick ass if you as me)
And do day I am going to my mom sisters house and open more gifts =0) and I am just feel well wuith everything dispite the hivs break out I had yesterday =0)

Joy to the world lol =0) Oh the best Christmas Parady can be find here IT's a goal
there are two parts scoll down a bit after you read the first Happy Holidays all =0)
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