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ladygawain March 13 2017, 10:45:57 UTC
I tried. But, god, I loved these characters so much once upon a time so I couldn't resist and then I was feeling EMOTIONS, and started watching sad fan videos on YouTube, and it was a hot mess. Like grieving for an old friend I didn't even like.

YES, to that AV Club review. Like, this show of all the YA shows from around 2007 onwards will always be one of the better ones. And the fact that it managed to last 3-4 more seasons than it had any right to - is purely because of the characters/dynamics it started with that were so compelling. And I suppose it's why I can still be all ~emotional~ with it ending, because mainly I'm remembering how good it was and how much I loved it, lol.

Truly, no RAGRATS, it made me some fire friends and delivered some fire fic.

Baldavino - how could I forget, the best animal actor in TV history! God, those were some fucking good times. I need to get my emotions under control though because I keep feeling tempted to host a ~goodbye TVD~ ficathon if only to drag you and others back for one last hurrah with these characters. But none of us knows what was actually happening on the show so it would be highkey hilarious what people would end up writing.


ever_neutral March 13 2017, 13:45:00 UTC
Word. I think TVD really tapped into an audience that actually wanted their YA more ambitious and high-intensity (as opposed to, like... "group of normal teenagers have various relationships, no actual plot"), hence the cultural phenomenon tbh.

keep feeling tempted to host a ~goodbye TVD~ ficathon

This is literally why the "hoe don't do it" meme was invented.


ladygawain March 13 2017, 15:12:23 UTC
True, true.

Lmao, you know me and my terrible life choices. I regret nothing! (I regret everything). I'm glad I'm too lazy to do it though, because that would be embarrassing - even for me.


upupa_epops March 18 2017, 20:53:14 UTC
Lol I moved on so far that I don't think I'd be able to write these characters anymore. Even Elena sounds hard atm.


ladygawain March 19 2017, 17:10:59 UTC
It'd be hilarious if we all just wrote the characters as we remember them / as they were when we quit this mess. And then compared it to how they all ended up - MESS.


upupa_epops March 19 2017, 20:08:42 UTC
OMG Maggie you have a death wish.


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