An Actual Fantastic Discussion on Race and The Vampire Diaries...

Jan 27, 2012 20:44

If you know me at all, you'll know that this is a subject that rests very close to my heart and weighs upon it every single time there is an episode of this show. This article is really great and I have so many complicated feelings on the matter and I thought I'd share it here if anyone's interested. There are some points I find problematic and ( Read more... )

tv: vampire diaries, let's talk about race, tv: the vampire diaries

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ladygawain January 28 2012, 04:12:03 UTC
These are all things I, and many people, have talked about (with Mags most of the time). The producers glorify the White part of the South, of the Confederacy. They have the White gaze glued on, so we have Bonnie watching GWTW and standing right there while Caroline complains about Matt not dressing period appropriate right before happily saying she wants a picture with Bonnie.

I mean, remember that time Caroline made that gross comment about "Indian-givers" and Bonnie gave her a look and she quickly apologized. Like, man, I would take even THAT over the non-reaction she has to every founding family bonanza. I know that by now the poor girl has probably been bludgeoned to death with it, the town will never get over its racist roots and there's no getting away from it. But for her to just be peacably watching GWTW was almost too ludicrous to bear. Not to mention her consistent exclusion from these events by virtue of her skin color and supposed non-heritage and no one talks about it. We're just supposed to look at these reenactments and giggle and talk about how pretty all the fake satin is. And it's just too problematic.

Not only does Bonnie not get to participate in these celebrations of family history, but the show fails at giving her her own things to celebrate. I’m talking about her magic. Even that’s not completely her own. For goodness’ sake the 3.15 synopsis is the first time the CW apparently couldn’t insert something like, “Needing nature’s help in his quest to defeat Klaus, Stefan turns to Bonnie and Abby and they do a ritual to appease nature.” More than half the time, in the episode summaries, when Bonnie’s magic is featured it’s because someone’s asking her to open a door for them.

Reasons why I am clinging to that synopsis like it holds the meaning of life. We've never really had Bonnie performing magic for a purpose that has nothing to do with saving something or someone or fighting for someone or cheering someone up or performing for someone. The closest we came was literally Bonnie and Luka making the wind blow or whatever when he showed her channeling. So I'm excited to just give the witches a mythology that is their own and not subordinate to vampires. Because goddamn, it's tiring.

As a PoC, it can be exhausting to watch this show and not let myself feel as if my spirit, my person is being done violence by the narrative. I know that every show and its mother has race/gender issues but this one, I have to say, is one of the most tiring to me.


angryzen January 28 2012, 04:34:12 UTC
I know that by now the poor girl has probably been bludgeoned to death with it

She learns it in school!!! Remember when Alaric was like, "Let's take a break from learning about Founding Family history?" I bet Tikki skips those school days.


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