TVD thoughts: "this crazy life you got stuck living"

Jan 14, 2012 10:41

So, since many on my f-list have already written pretty much everything I feel about this episode, this post isn't going to be particularly... thorough? Or lucid.

Disclaimer for this post:
1. I ain't never claimed I was smart
2. I ain't never claimed I was not addled.
3. Yeah, that's it. That's all I got.

we gonna party like it's your birthday )

random so very random, tv: vampire diaries, not-review, mostly a lot of shit tbh, fic, tv: the vampire diaries

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Comments 13

cranmers January 14 2012, 16:08:54 UTC

Best moment of the episode, second to none. It's not just that he is offended that she thinks of him, it's the expression on his face that just says 'killing people on their birthdays is ~unthinkable~, it's ~laughable~' and I'm like 'IS IT NOW? YOU JUST GOT ABOUT 500% MORE INTERESTING' XD XD

{All those centuries he spent working towards one thing: breaking the curse. Now that he's done it, I'm not sure he quite knows what to do with himself}

I think I rather disagree with you there. I personally have understood his thought process to be break the curse > sire the hybrids > kill mikael > build his dreamhouse > wake his family presumably with Elijah and Rebekah at his side (a plan that altered, but didn't actually change i.e the goal remained the same) over time.


... )


ladygawain January 14 2012, 16:32:07 UTC
LOL - it's so true! I was like, oh my god, this speech is simultaneously ridiculous and yet amazing. He was genuinely hurt by it, too! YEAH, THIS IS THE MOMENT WHEN I STARTED TO HAVE KLAUS FEELINGS (for not all the right reasons, lol. but sometimes the best characters are the ones you can laugh at rather than with).

You know, now that you've pointed it out, I do see the connective thread of all his actions. He always comes across as really ... unfocused and a bit of a buffoon-villain to me and I'm like but why? But now that you've done that flow chart, I can see it, I think.

YAY, I'm glad my taste in music is not entirely nonsensical. I mean it is. But those songs speak to me about these dudes on a deeper level. And Barbie Girl is actually the best song for Rebekah!!!!!!!!!!! One day I will make that fanmix. Side A will be the fun side. And then Side B will be SRS BSNS. These three songs will be on A obviously ( ... )


cranmers January 14 2012, 16:53:28 UTC
He the consummate fail!villain, I agree. He is much more ineffectual than even the most unsuccessful of Disney villains. It's an interesting angle, I'll say that. Right now it feels like Stefan is more of a villain than Klaus. But aside from the fact that Klaus/Birthdays is my new OTP, I'd like to see him get his evil on a bit more, gleefully kill and/or torture like he did in 'The Birthday'.

Side A will be the fun side. And then Side B will be SRS BSNS}

OH YES, YES, YES! That sounds awesome. For side B may I suggest this and/or this (I have spent way too much time thinking about their family dynamic, I love them so much. Side A is the best though, it will totally make my day, some day in the future I'm already looking forward to!

Damon/Elena is just going so well for me because it's the exact opposite of what I expected and yet everything I wanted}I have so many feelings on this. Like, in Season 1 I valued their interactions but I never ~shipped~ them per se. Then in Season 2 and the first half of Season 3, God, did they have ( ... )


penumbra January 14 2012, 16:21:25 UTC
Klaus is so pathetic it genuinely hurts me. But you're right: he's got so boring he's broken through to the other side and become entertaining.

I honestly can't even get a handle on Stefan right now. He's no longer under compulsion and he's not trying to save Damon and Elena so what the fuck is is motivation right now? Is he honestly seeking revenge against Klaus for the loss of a life he feels he can't go back to (despite no longer wanting that life), or? Actually, I'm going to go with that because it ties in nicely with the theme of the episode.


ladygawain January 14 2012, 16:34:14 UTC
LOL, I almost feel like his patheticness makes him really interesting to me now. What is even a Klaus?


I'm hoping that's what I'm supposed to be thinking with Stefan. And that's a good way to - I didn't pick up on how it meshes with the theme but yeah. Lol, Stefan.


(The comment has been removed)

ladygawain January 15 2012, 19:40:47 UTC
Oh honey, have you seen the episode? You might have loved Matt. I am still obsessed with the idea of Matt becoming a wee Sheriff in training for this town and this episode gave me those feels again for reasons.

Stefan, man, Stefan be crazy. BUT I LOVE HIS CRAZY. I want your thoughts when you watch, 'kay?!


pocochina January 14 2012, 22:44:28 UTC
JoMo appears to be making a very deliberate (and smart) choice to play Klaus as slightly unhinged--except not slightly at all). And I think that this is something that is slipping into his performance over time (also smart, because given how emotionally fraught he is now without his family of coffins to talk to before breakfast every day and other factors, I imagine he would be cracking at his barely-patched-up seams)?YES. I have always enjoyed Klaus because I thought he was slightly more OTT and ridiculous than an adolescent 500-pound gorilla on speed and this episode was basically 43 straight minutes of the show telling me "YOU ARE SO RIGHT ( ... )


ladygawain January 15 2012, 19:45:10 UTC
an adolescent 500-pound gorilla on speed
God, what a flawless image and that's exactly it. And I love that the show seems to know this and is doing so deliberately. So entertaining!

4 - Exactly, and I like that they let us see the flurry of emotions behind her decisions in this episode because it's easy for some to crow about her being somehow hypocritical in her choice but that's not what we saw.

5 - LOL, too true. I have too many feelings on Stefan to be able to make them words.

5C - Beautifully put.


angryzen January 15 2012, 02:56:54 UTC
I think this was the strongest episode of the season.

JoMo appears to be making a very deliberate (and smart) choice to play Klaus as slightly unhinged

I hope so. I hope he's taken a look at the dialogue he's had so far and how his character's threats haven't really gone anywhere and said, "Oh. This is not what I thought it was."

This season is trying far harder than season 2 (thank god) to ground these characters in their very distinct realities and it's important that they do that.

I like the way you put that, though I'm not sure if you meant each character's reality because that's how I read that. Anyways there's the show's overall reality, and then there's Elena's reality, Bonnie's, Caroline's, and Matt's, and that was well played in this episode. They're at different stages in their journeys, or maybe that should be life since I don't think this show is trying to get these characters anywhere. Elena's reality has all to do with vampires, Stefan and Damon as well as Klaus, the fact that she's been a victim, the fact that she' ( ... )


ladygawain January 15 2012, 20:01:14 UTC
Does it surprise you that I COMPLETELY agree? Honestly, the most coherent--on a story level, character and emotional--bit of writing this show has done in a very long time. VERY.

They're at different stages in their journeys, or maybe that should be life since I don't think this show is trying to get these characters anywhere. Elena's reality has all to do with vampires, Stefan and Damon as well as Klaus, the fact that she's been a victim, the fact that she's now trying to fight against that (as much as she can), etc. Matt's reality was shown with the simple comment he made about all of them being stuck.Completely this. I like how the writer managed to pack so many little glimpses of perspective in this episode. Basically there's not another writer on this show who is capable of doing that with so many characters in one episode--like there's not a single one and I'm willing to bet money on that assertion. And no matter how small, or how intimate, or even how ridiculous the moment was, I genuinely felt like I had a grasp of the ( ... )


angryzen January 15 2012, 20:17:23 UTC
I like how the writer managed to pack so many little glimpses of perspective in this episode.

Yes perspectives! That's something that, unfortunately, is rarely featured on this show that has so many characters that experience so many different things. For one it wasn't just Stefan and Damon's perspectives on display, and Elena's perspective wasn't just about Stefan. It was Stefan, Damon, Jeremy, and most importantly herself (my God I hope they don't let go of this again).

Lmao. We rarely talk about Bonnie, tbh. She can have two scenes in an ep and disappear and she will most certainly not take up 99% of our discussion the next time we meet up ( ... )


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