30 Days of Smallville | Day Four | Ships - all my ships

Jan 17, 2011 16:04

Okay, so really this post is too long. It doesn't help that I'm trying to deal with four things at once but that's just in case this week is as awful as I predict it will be and I don't have time to do this until the weekend.

So here we go. Shippy, post is shippy as all get-out!

Day Three (four, five, six): Ships (and everything)

confessions of a shipper: favorite ship )

tv: smallville, fandom: picspam, meme: smallville, tv: meta

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Comments 108

chrisluvstommy January 17 2011, 21:14:39 UTC
I loved this post, so well said with out all my hang ups on why I loath Lana Lang lol.

Maybe if I step back for a moment I can semi blame Clark as well for that relationship and only once did I actually despise him and that was during the AoS those 4 episodes almost killed my love of him but I knew Lois was just around the corner so I pushed through. Everyone makes mistakes, we chose the wrong people that doesn't make us a bad person just we don't have all the facts.

I adore that you love Chlollie, bravo for you not caving under pressure from others to not like something you like. I felt that way about Luthor, I know loads of people loathed it and well mostly I did too but I adored Tom's portrayal and the Clois was fantastic so I can't put it on the bottom shelf for that alone.

Sometimes I think fandom is a pain in the ass, sometimes I love it but I have to say I'm grateful in the long run for it because I was introduced to wonderful people like yourself whom I consider a real true good friend.


ladygawain January 17 2011, 21:29:47 UTC
*tackle hugs* OT: Can I say that I've missed you. Like a lot. I went totally MIA, you know this, but I miss you. Where can I find you? We should meet on chat, y/y ( ... )


chrisluvstommy January 17 2011, 21:43:46 UTC
anytime when you want, just tell me on twitter cause that's like where I always hang out we can use the chat room Holli created for our trip


emerald_night January 17 2011, 21:25:28 UTC
Guh, the Clois picspam (both!) are just gorgeous! The Rabid rain scene is truly one of the most gorgeously filmed scenes on this show ever.'

And damn I loved Lexana. Til they dragged Clark into it and victimized Lana for it.

And Tess/Lois is definitely my fave Tess pairing! :)


ladygawain January 17 2011, 21:34:04 UTC
That scene is amazing, definitely in my top 10 just for the sheer beauty of it!

I f-loved Lexana and then the show just ruined it, ugh. The Lana victimization was heinous. HEINOUS.

Tess/Lois are awesome, Tess should always date women.


clari_clyde January 17 2011, 21:40:46 UTC
I’m a huge Tess/Lois shipper so seeing your screencaps makes me squee. This ship and Clark/Lois are my absolute faves.

As for Clark/Lana… I think if this had gone the pattern of: S1, crushing; S2, actual, real (not quasi fake starts) dating and breakup; S3 Clark trying to maintain a strained friendship; S4 and beyond, Clark giving up… I think I would have liked it better. It felt like the writers were dragging it on for the sake of dragging it on.

And thank you for pointing it out that it was as much Clark’s fault as it was Lana’s. I always thought how strange fandom was that with Lex and Chloe, Clark could do no right; but with Lana, Clark could do no wrong and Lana could do no right. Especially that first season when Clark was making advances towards Lana despite the fact that she was dating Whitney.


ladygawain January 17 2011, 22:33:03 UTC
Yay, Tess/Lois!

The writers seemed to have a lack of ideas or something, I don't even know, looking back it seems almost incomprehensible that it lasted so long.

Yeah, fandom tends to blame Lana exclusively, it's always quite weird. Oh, wow, I forgot about that season one business, ugh.

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!!


airygold January 17 2011, 21:56:16 UTC
Wow, what a great post! I too loved the Rabid scene and you did a great job with the picspam and explanation of what made it so eventful and meaningful.

I agreed with what you wrote about Clark and Lana. I too was taken over the edge too many times with this back and forth yo-yo of a relationship. I felt it made Clark look weak and needy too much. I agree with what Chris said too, that's a good way to think of it, we all make mistakes.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought there was so much potential in Lana and Lex, and that then went to sh*t.

I'm of the camp who dislikes Chloe and this Chlollie pairing, but I must say that your explanation of why you like it is quite convincing! It WAS nice to see Chloe controlling more of what was around her and not be in the sexless best friend and confidante box, as you say!

Lois/Tess, wish more had been done with them in general, but season's not over yet, we'll see what happens.


ladygawain January 17 2011, 22:37:22 UTC
Thank you :)

That scene, my heart!

Yeah, I feel like I don't allow my characters to make enough mistakes - or I used to be really irritated by it, but as I got older, I started to realize that those mistakes are a part of what makes them human. Sure, it's compounded on a TV show and with Clana it became arduous but they're allowed.

Lex/Lana *weeps*

Yay for s/o even giving Chlollie a glimmer of a chance with this post!!!! I don't want to convert anyone or anything but I did hope that sharing my perspective would let people see a different reading of it from someone who was initially violently against it :)))))))

I hope we get some good Lois/Tess, fingers crossed!

Thanks for reading :)


audrey229 January 17 2011, 22:07:50 UTC
This post is....amazing. From start to finish. I am trying to find the words to respond to this appropriately and I feel as though I am going to fail miserably ( ... )


ladygawain January 17 2011, 22:44:51 UTC
My love, I have missed you!!!!! (you should know, though, that I frequently stalk your posts on K-site as one of the few sane voices among many insane ones). We need to fix it immediately. I will haunt your LJ, name the day, I can't wait for your discussion posts because I feel like I'll love what you have to say about the show ( ... )


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