Misfits 2.03 .... one single thought; Smallville, TVD, Harry Potter rambles

Nov 25, 2010 21:59

Okay, f-list, I literally started watching this show today and blazed through eight episodes in one afternoon. Yes, it's been a Bridget Jones Thanksgiving for me, spent vegging practically all day except for dinner.

Anyway, "Misfits", for those who don't know is a frigging amazing show. I am so into it. It's just brilliant. Fun, good writing and it ( Read more... )

tv: smallville, ramble, film: harry potter, tv: the vampire diaries, tv: misfits, random

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Comments 14

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ladygawain November 26 2010, 12:59:41 UTC
Hahahaa, Iwan/Antonia struck me as fascinating and hot from the start too. I remember when she hooked up with Curtis, I thought it was cute but also rather boring, and like you said on your journal, it often felt like she was making these concessions or that it wasn't really making her feel good, valued in a meaningful way. Didn't like that.

Haha, will be interested to hear what you think!

Yah, rationality and sanity --- I just want to shake some sense into some folks. But whatever. Sticking with Bonnie, everyone else can do what they want.


keenan24 November 26 2010, 12:09:09 UTC
lol I love the explosion of Simon/Alisha love on the interwebz ( ... )


ladygawain November 26 2010, 12:55:51 UTC
>>>lol I love the explosion of Simon/Alisha love on the interwebz!
I never shipped anyone with anyone on MISFITS while it is tremendous a show but WOW TALK ABOUT SEEXINESS IN THE LAST EP.
O_O! New!Simon is ... WOW for lack of better words and the chemistry was off the charts. Still, it kinda sorta comes out of nowhere but ME LIKES. A LOT<<<

So sexy. I'm surprised at the Salisha love, tbh, I expected negative reception but the chemistry cannot be denied. I do think it comes out of nowhere, about to post brief review, and I really am worried that he's some sort of trickster.... maybe I've weaned myself excessively on bad soap operas or something.

Hermione really is their center, they'd be nowhere w/o her. Thankfully this movie actually gave her life, and a narrative, because she sometimes comes off quite flat to me in the books and films.

>>>What I find pretty puzzling is the involvement of the actors in such petty matters. the ian somerhalder tweet makes go a bit wtf<<... )


selenewarrior November 27 2010, 00:04:17 UTC
Oh my God...Smallville, come back already! Clark Luthor rules my world and if your Muse wasn't MIA (really, that muse of yours has an awful bad timming), I'd ask (read: demand) for an AU ficklet or, preferably, a novel length story from you, Maggie :D

About TVD:...what? The week I start working the night-shift and sleeping most of the day, is the week the shit hits the Twitter fan. Typical. The fandom is already at the stage of harassing the show people? But it's only S2!!...Where the heck's Kanye when you actually NEED his randomness?! I've never been more proud of not geting myself involved in another fanbase or fan-war like I am right now. Oy vey.

Still haven't seen the latest Harry Potter, but working the graveyard shift doesn't leave me all that much "normal" time to do stuff. I'm also not an HP fanatic - I think I'll have to re-read DH before watching the movie(s) because, to be frank, the only thing I remember distinctly about the last book is that god-awful epilogue. I love the world JK Rowling created for us, all ( ... )


ladygawain November 27 2010, 11:39:31 UTC
You kill me, Selene --- I'll try, although I'm getting so lazy, I'm just going to post it in drabble series form, LOL. The muse is a pain in the bum sometimes ( ... )


selenewarrior November 27 2010, 23:52:37 UTC
YES!!! I should’ve known you'd get the appeal of D/Hr! Most people who write and do so brilliantly well, understand the pull of a character like Draco, the "villain" or the "bully" and how he's that much more interesting to mold and develop and turn into the anti-hero or, sometimes, the hero, than the actual hero of the story. I've said this before and I'll say it again: nothing is more powerful than a likable villain (Darth Vader is the ultimate example), and for that to happen, the character needs to have layers, be 3 dimensional. That’s creative writing 101. I think JKR wasted a great character there, imo.

Well, the flatness of the romantic relationships in HP may be due to the nature of the books. They were, after all, meant for a young adult audience who, as we've seen before in the minds of editors and publishers worldwide, is well equipped to deal with adventure, death, loss, horror, gore and even torture, but can't seem to handle romance beyond the occasional kiss or handhold (which is way more than we're getting from ( ... )


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ladygawain November 27 2010, 11:41:49 UTC
Hee, Mara, Misfits is driving me insane with happiness --- just what even with that show. It's amazing!!!!! Oh thank you so much, I just, it makes me so happy, I'm trying to write drabbles as we speak and it's *squeals madly*

It's awesome. I'm really hoping that your vidding self continues to get inspired, I saw the one you put up on YT and it made me happy.


And yes, it's great to have something to occupy my mind with no TVD or SV, I might be going mad.


angryzen November 29 2010, 13:51:53 UTC
@TVD: What the fuck?! I go to Spain and the shit hits the fan? Ugh. And I just realized that I forgot to announce on vd.net that I was leaving. I'm coming back tomorrow, so I don't know if I should ask you to make an announcement.

@Misfits: I plan on watching this show after I catch up with Merlin. Buuutttt, now that I've seen this gift (and spoiled myself), I'm sure I'll manage to watch the concurrently. Lol.


ladygawain November 29 2010, 15:40:46 UTC
ugh, TVD, fandom's a shitstorm in general, methinks. i'm sure it's fine, nothing exciting happening, everyone's just waiting with bated breath for thursday and some bamon. finally!

oh god, please, please, please watch misfits. you'll love it. i feel like you'll love it a LOT.


angryzen November 29 2010, 16:40:36 UTC
I see it's got you popping out fics left and right. Lol. I can't wait to catch up and read them!


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