"Isis" -- not-revew ramble -- Love is a Scary Thing

Oct 23, 2010 09:14

Love is a Scary Thing

Guys. Guys. Oh my gosh. Guys!!

(Credit to Onebreath for the glorious gif)

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tv: smallville, not-review

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Comments 18

jadengreen36 October 23 2010, 14:16:30 UTC
The things I disliked or rather wasn't in love with regarding this episode were heavily outweighed by the things I really enjoyed, including the squealy glee at the end ( ... )


jadengreen36 October 23 2010, 14:34:09 UTC
Oh, and I am so over the Chloe/Oliver-have-a-great-epic-love-forever that the show keep trying to TELL us since they really really showed it in the 5 minutes it was onscreen. Chloe was always so snarkily flip and know-it-all to Ollie last season (especially between kisses) and I never got the sense that Ollie was really crazy about her until he put it on in Salvation. And he still didn't do it for me the same way he drooled over Lois in seasons 6, 7, heck even 9.

They are making me want to never ever see Chloe or hear from her ever again. Please.


ladygawain October 23 2010, 16:16:44 UTC
Yah, I think they really dropped the ball with Chlollie in terms of development, which is annoying. But I think things will ease up for a bit next week with "Harvest", they needed to really keep the presence of Chloe and Chlollie in the season so I understand why htey're doing it, it could just be done better.

I'm quite intrigued to know where Chloe's been all this time and I suspect I'll grow more so as the season moves on, and all this business with the Suicide squad starts to come to a head but we'll see, I guess.


ladygawain October 23 2010, 16:13:21 UTC
LOL, oh these writers, revisionist history a wee bit with that one. I loved Clark's come-out, the conviction he had and the reassurance for Lois that he wants to go somewhere with her, it was beautiful indeedy!

Yep, I've watched it an unhealthy number of times too, they're so addictive!


gen717 October 23 2010, 15:47:15 UTC
I can kind of cut them some slack on the "Chlollie is EPIC love" stuff, since, they seem to be trying to create this love story without the other half of the pairing onscreen. I get that. While I understand it might be overkill in other people's eyes, I have to say, I appreciate that they are making an attempt to keep Chlollie alive in some way. (Also, subtlety was never a Smallville writing strong-suit, IMO ( ... )


ladygawain October 23 2010, 16:10:45 UTC
Too right. Smallville writers are often quite heavy-handed. I think it's a case of spilled milk for me at this point --- I always wish they'd just bothered to show two or three little scenes last season to help develop the relationship onscreen. I'm fine with filling in blanks, and I like them as a couple, but it's terribly hard when we know the time-frame and how little they gave us, so I can see how some might not like the pairing at all. I do think they're doing a good job of keeping Chloe and Chlollie alive, though, it can't be hard to develop the love story with one half missing. It can be clumsy but they're trying :) and that's a good thing. Also, Justin does so well even with the dubious lines ( ... )


gen717 October 23 2010, 16:25:52 UTC
Oh, you're welcome! I always enjoy reading your thoughts! :)


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ladygawain October 27 2010, 00:44:24 UTC
Oh, thanks sweets, I hope my muse comes back. I think she's waiting for Clois to have sex and then she'll return to me in full force as I imagine all the ridiculous ways these two can get some in fic :P

I love Cat too much. That kid was definitely creepy but I think I have a thing against kids, they always seem creepy in films. Perhaps it comes from watching "The Omen" at a really young, formative age, it tainted me, haha!

It did feel like a comic, that's the only reason I forgave it and let myself get into it. Just a delightfully, cracky, ridiculous comic, I can dig that :D

Sigh, this Friday will be even more happy-making, I can't wait!!!!!


clari_clyde October 23 2010, 19:17:46 UTC
Whoah, that gif!!! I am not going to say anything about the reveal because I have been in non-stop incoherent squee mode over it. ;-)

Lois’s outfit under the coat: I, too, thought about how Tess would flirt back and it’d be sexy as hell. And imagining that did make Cat seem very… wait, she has a son? o.O But Cat made Tess LOL, I love her for that.

Back to Tess, Clark gave her a chance. That is huge for her who came from a broken home and, as an adult, has worked for an emotionally dysfunctional company. But it’s also big for Clark. He’s been dwelling on his past and Lex - and all the mistakes he made with Lex - are a big part of that. Anyways, I don’t hold my breath for happy endings but, I do hope for at least an optimistic end for Clark, Tess and Alexander. Because I felt a lot of optimism there tonight. Everyone’s learning from everyone’s mistakes and that’s a good thing to be contagious ( ... )


ladygawain October 27 2010, 00:42:07 UTC
Tess gave us one half of the emotional weight to this episode, she was so great, and that was such a great moment to see Clark doing what he does best, and to see him learning his lesson so visibly from last week.

I hope she's a Luthor, that's really my dream. Another dream was for Lex to show up and kill her in cold blood for some reason. Morbid and senseless, yes. But for some reason I think it'd make a hell of an entrance.

LOL, yes with your editor-hat, the episode needed it, the whole Isis nonsense was beyond cracky. I felt second-hand embarrassment for parts of it.

Ohhh, adorkable dork, I can't wait for this Friday!


clari_clyde October 27 2010, 05:14:21 UTC
Another dream was for Lex to show up and kill her in cold blood for some reason.

If TPTB ever do that? It will either be the most awesomest awesome to have ever awesomed, full of the kind of pathos that leaves me crying for Tess for days and terrified of the tragedy that is Lex. Or the most craptastic crap to have ever crapped, fridging Tess and throwing away all the ambiguity that defined Lex over the years. ’Cause although Lex has been growing darker and darker, you can’t disregard the tragedy that he once wanted to be a good guy.

SV is like Giants baseball. When they’re great, it’s magic. But when they suck, oy vey!


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ladygawain October 27 2010, 00:33:23 UTC
Aw, this episode was insanely cracky, but the ending made it all worthwhile :D

And thank you, sweets!!!


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