Hee, I'm excited to try it! Since the show is going so swell-somely, I don't feel the need to write offscreenville or anything just yet. But I might go back to the Pandora AU or do some sort of AU, or a future fic. Lord knows there's always room for possession, multiple personality disorder, KALOIS awesomeness.... so fingers crossed that it works out :)
I know it's not up to a vote or anything, but I think if you write Kalois smut I might cry with happiness. I'm OBSESSED with Teenage repressed Clark with his awkward, hilarious flailing every time a girl came onto him and contrasted with Horny Kal and how uninhibited he is when he comes out to play, and there is just SO little well written Kal smut out in fandom, it frustrates me to no end. I don't understand why, it's such an interesting part of Clark's character...?
Oh Maggs....you would do amazing with Kal/Lois. I would actually love to read a Kal/Lois fic that is set more in the present/future as opposed to one where he's a teenager. I feel like I've read a ton of fics set around the time that Crimson aired but I don't think i've read one that deals with how she would handle it NOW. I've often wondered how Lois would respond if Clark were to find himself all wound up on RedK now or later on in the season once they are intimate. How would that affect them? Of course, my biggest wish would be for the show to allow Clark to embrace that side of himself without the freaking RedK this year because clearly the man has some pent up....desires....that manifest themself in very lustful ways when he's drugged. But since I doubt the show will let him do that (although I hold out hope) I'd love to read about it. My vote is for Kal/Lois present or post Season 10. Yes??? Pretty please??? LOL
Hee, I'm dying to write present/future Kal/Lois very badly --- I just haven't had a chance to sit down and think on it! Oh, but they would be so awesome, and just exploring the side of Clark with Lois, and Lois in her right mind.... would be awesome.
I think I'm waiting for these two to finally consummate their love on the show and then I feel like I will spend the rest of the year writing Clois smut, lol. I guess it would just have to be a nice long one-shot so we can see Clark with his red-k persona and in his normal persona, and how Lois accepts (and enjoys) every side of him -- that would be hot, can't lie. We know she wants to know what other fetishes he's got in that toolbox of his. LOL.
It's surprising how little good Kal smut there is. I think I've only ever read one oneshot that did it well, it was this great future one with the three faces of Clark Kent or something, Kal, Kal-el, and Clark. Otherwise, they feel very odd.
I'd love to write a present day or future fic, not too far ahead, of Kal and Lois. It'd be interesting especially as that side of Clark comes out a lot with Lois but he still holds himself back a little or tends to be a little uninhibited because he's... well, Clark. But if he was just no holds-barred.... too hot!
I know which fic you are talking about. That's the only good one I think I've ever read as well.
I think the mistake people make is that they write him too mean. There is a difference between aggressive and mean. I have no trouble believing that Clark in his present state could be completely hopped up on RedK and still be completely sweet to his lover....while at the same time being more overtly raunchy and dirty. But never mean. I don't think Clark could be mean to a woman in bed if he tried. Raunchy? Yes. You know?
Completely agree. For some reason they decide Clark's hiding an inner abusive jerk but you know, if we go by Crimson and the way he was with Lois, different from anyone else he's been with on red-k, his greatest desire was to prove himself a man to her and get her naked on her ex-boyfriend's chaise LMAO. So kinky. But even then, he was surprisingly tender...yes... definitely raunchy but not some violent, disturbing creep.
All I knows is poor Lois won't be able to walk for at least a day or two, LOL.
All I knows is poor Lois won't be able to walk for at least a day or two, LOL.
ROFL, that lucky lucky woman.
I must try to dig up this fic you're talking about, I'm intrigued.
I cringe in fics where they have Kal roughing up Lois in bed when on Red K, I agree with what you guys are saying up there, the gentle, sweet farmboy is still there in Kal, though I imagine he'd probably be totally into talking dirty and never shut up during teh sex (HAWT)
OMG I can't wait to read this Kalois thing you talked about up there ^^ and I think it'd work so well with them both early in the relationship since I'd imagine after a while, Clark would eventually be able to let loose in the bedroom when he and Lois are settled into a relationship, he wouldn't be afraid to get a little naughtier in the bedroom, *eyebrowwiggle* so yeah...um...pleasewritethispleasepleaseplease.
I think I'm waiting for these two to finally consummate their love on the show and then I feel like I will spend the rest of the year writing Clois smut, lol. I guess it would just have to be a nice long one-shot so we can see Clark with his red-k persona and in his normal persona, and how Lois accepts (and enjoys) every side of him -- that would be hot, can't lie. We know she wants to know what other fetishes he's got in that toolbox of his. LOL.
I'd love to write a present day or future fic, not too far ahead, of Kal and Lois. It'd be interesting especially as that side of Clark comes out a lot with Lois but he still holds himself back a little or tends to be a little uninhibited because he's... well, Clark. But if he was just no holds-barred.... too hot!
I think the mistake people make is that they write him too mean. There is a difference between aggressive and mean. I have no trouble believing that Clark in his present state could be completely hopped up on RedK and still be completely sweet to his lover....while at the same time being more overtly raunchy and dirty. But never mean. I don't think Clark could be mean to a woman in bed if he tried. Raunchy? Yes. You know?
All I knows is poor Lois won't be able to walk for at least a day or two, LOL.
ROFL, that lucky lucky woman.
I must try to dig up this fic you're talking about, I'm intrigued.
I cringe in fics where they have Kal roughing up Lois in bed when on Red K, I agree with what you guys are saying up there, the gentle, sweet farmboy is still there in Kal, though I imagine he'd probably be totally into talking dirty and never shut up during teh sex (HAWT)
OMG I can't wait to read this Kalois thing you talked about up there ^^ and I think it'd work so well with them both early in the relationship since I'd imagine after a while, Clark would eventually be able to let loose in the bedroom when he and Lois are settled into a relationship, he wouldn't be afraid to get a little naughtier in the bedroom, *eyebrowwiggle* so yeah...um...pleasewritethispleasepleaseplease.
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