Title: The Vow
Rating: PG
Summary: Canon/Offscreenville, the night Katherine is captured, and later escapes with George Lockwood's aid.
Spoilers: for episode "Memory Lane"
Characters/Pairing: Katherine-centric (and Stefan, references to Katherine/Stefan)
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Dark Ships: Wait Your Turn
my secrets become your truth, and the distance between... )
Thank you so much, I loved writing her, and she's so fascinating, can't get enough of it so thank you. She's a selfish, insane, crazy-cakes, passionate woman and oh, so good not to have to woobify her and even better that the show is clearly not going down that route. Yay!
Oh, the Sara Bareilles song is amazing, I listened to it about fifty times in one day and it's just addictive. Oh god, I should buy it just so that I can contribute to her lunch meal for the awesomeness of the song!
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