Nov 07, 2010 23:01
Alex's mom is coming to visit from Illinois next Sunday. She's staying for about three days. We don't get to see her very often and this is the first time she will get to see Arianna. I've been trying to get things done at home for her visit. Trying to get things cleaned up and both the kid's rooms ready. I had gotten Arianna's nursery almost completed by the time she was born. But I honestly hadn't gotten it all cleaned up of all the miscellaneous things that don't belong in a nursery. Boxes full of old magazines, old Mary Kay supplies and various household things still lay on the floor. The closet is still full of scrapbooking and crafting supplies and empty boxes of electronics that Alex says he wants to keep "just in case". There is so much I still need to do and so little time I have to do it. Luckily, Arianna actually gave me some time to do some work around the house today. That rarely happens because of her feeding habits.
I'm not making enough breastmilk for Arianna to get enough milk in one feeding. She's taking in about 3-4oz. in one feeding now. It's takes me about 40 minutes of pumping to get 2 oz. worth of breastmilk. And that is with a really good Medela breast pump. Occassionally I'll be able to get nearly 4 oz. in one pumping session but that is rare. If I feed her from the breast instead of from my reserve supply she is constantly wanting to feed. I'm having to suppliment with formula, which I really didn't want to do. Although, she does settle in better when she has the formula because she is actually full. I've found that at night I have to give her at least one feedings worth of formula to get any sleep. She's also got a bit of reflux and extra gas going on. She has a weight check at the end of this week (my kids have a history of slow/low weight gain) and the doctor said if the reflux/heartburn still seems to persist that she'd prescribe some antacids for her.
Alex is off from work the next three days. Hopefully, with him being off, we'll be able to get a little more done around the house. I'll be happy when we finally get the house actually looking half way decent.