On Starting a Journal (Again)

Oct 29, 2002 02:05

Well, I think I'm going to give livejournal a second try. But as with many things of late, I want a fresh start, so here I am beginning a new journal with a new username. I have a few concerns though. They mostly center around my finding that a lot of the things I'd like to write in a journal, I don't necessarily feel comfortable with some of my friends reading. A lot of stuff is personal and has the potential to be controversial. But I do want the entries read, and I do want feedback on them. It strikes me that it's a little weird that I'm more comfortable with strangers reading personal entries than with friends reading them. The difference is involvement: it's safer to have personal things read, or heard for that matter, by people who are not involved in them. However, I think I've found other acceptable outlets for some of the more personal stuff. Maybe that will mean that this time around will work better, and maybe it will mean that I'll have little reason to keep up the journal. So I'll see what happens.
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