Nov 25, 2008 00:24
I promise you, not a word of the following story is a lie:
So I miss my normal train by less than a minute. It had just finished pulling out by the time I got to the station. So I catch the 6:10. It leaves on time. Pulls into Back Bay on time and Ruggles on time. About 100 feet later it stops. Nothing, just stops. After sitting for 15 minutes we hear an announcement. "We're sorry about the delay but there are some wires down on the track. We may have to get everyone off the train early if we are not given further instruction." So we wait another 15 minutes. "Again ladies and gentlemen, as soon as we know anything we'll let you know." Five more minutes, "Ladies and gentlemen, we will be pulling into Route 128 (commuter rail stop) where everyone will have to get off the train. At that point you'll be picked up by buses that will take you to Sharon where you will pick up another train and continue with your trip home."
After another 10 minutes the train finally leaves and pulls into Route 128. We all get off the train and walk in the FREEZING over to the bus stop. There is 1 bus. 1. Each car on the train carries more people than a single MBTA bus. So I wait.
Then, out of no where a train conductor shows up. "Everybody back on the train!" So like lemmings we go back on the train. We wait another 10 minutes before it finally leaves. It stops at Canton Junction. Canton Junction isn't a stop on my train! So we all start freaking out. Well apparently they put people on another line on our train as well as ours so they were letting those people out to get more buses. After that the train basically books it to each of the stops and I finally make it home.
Oh, my, God... is all I have to say!