Aahahahaa, okay so we were talking on Twitter about feedback; kudos vs comments and how sometimes you love a story A LOT and really WANT to comment, but don't and then never do and I discovered I'm not the only person who psyches themselves out of commenting like that. So here, have THE GUILT MEME
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Conclusions! I have never left feedback on this story, even though I love it to pieces. After listening to the podfic so often, I did leave feedback for the reader, but that definitely didn't convey my frightening enthusiasm for it.
Like the Tide by arsenicjade and untappedbeauty (Panic, Ryan/Spencer)
This is one of those stories I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning just because I need to know everything would be okay, and then I got up the next day and read it again. Just. This fic pulls my heartstrings every time. New Year's stargazing! How inherently decent and nice Mr and Mrs Walker are! I am not coherent about this story.
(To Die Will Be) An Awfully Big Adventure by fayjay (MCR, general all-around awesomeness)
Thinking about this fic fills me with glee! And yet I've never left a comment reflecting that because my thoughts are all capslock ramblings of OF COURSE THERE ARE WEREWOLVES and COMICON and QUEEN OF THE FAERIES and alsdkjhf;osidlkjnv DUELING FAE PRINCES YESS.
Into this Dream and basically everything else ever by reni-days
That moment in the story where Brendon undoes his wish is beautiful everytime, and I've read this story a lot even when compared to how often I read her other stories, which are basically all a happy place where everything is good and lovely.
....I know I have more stories I shamefully have not commented on but if I look them up now I will be stuck in a rereading coma for a while. But this does give me incentive to comment on some fics I have just read and have open in tabs, waiting for feedback. :D
Oh man, I hear you on the re-read thing. It's been really hard for me not to just start rereading every single fic on my list!
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