August dragon drop, Take TWO... dammit.

Aug 23, 2020 00:05

GORRAMIT... I *HAD* a post started here, I HAD the current eggs posted here, I HAD space for the new eggs he dropped tonight.... and managed to entirely lose it and F*CK it up by closing it somehow...
SO, Take two... of course, forgetting that we were going into the last couple of August weekends, I picked up five eggs- two nights ago, including a CB Desert Xeno egg. NOT about to drop that one, besides, he only dropped two this time, thankfully. (And - despite not posting them here, I *DID* manage to catch a few more of the July dropped eggs...)

From Alpine, Coast, and Forest... Looks to have dimorphic sprites -
This egg reminds you of the night sky. Alpine. Sorts between Ash and Avea.

This plain blue egg almost seems to float. Alpine, Coast, Forest. Sorts between Skysilk and Skywing.

DANG, almost 3 hours to catch JUST those two... I'll try again tomorrow, might even have more spots open then...

My Leetle Tree, in Summer Palm form...

And my scroll...

And hatching site links! Here for anyone else who might need them. :D

Egg drop....

Silvi's hatchery....

eggs, dragcave, dragons

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