Last night's munch at the bar.

Apr 24, 2009 10:29

 There I stood, in the garish flueroscent light, waiting patiently beside the paper towel dispenser on the far wall. The woman in front of me was enthusiastically washing her hands, so I dug in for the long haul, refusing to be one of 'those' girls. Door handles do harbor germs, thank you very much! As she finished up, our eyes met and we shared a bemused smile.
Me: Switch?
Her: Sometimes. (a wink ensues and we both chuckle)
Me: Oh so witty!
Her: Hey, you said it first!

Now, if you didn't know better, you'd think I just handed her a line, right? I swear, sometimes I just don't think and shit pops out of my mouth. Sometimes I can work it, and it's cute or funny. Other times, I blush horribly and look for the nearest rock to crawl under. 
So that's how the night started, and it continued in that vein, amid sharing stories, making new friends, and smiling so much my face hurt.
We even ran into a couple we had lost contact with, and made dinner plans.

Had I have known the wet munches were so much fun (wayyy better than Denney's....liquid lubricant is always a good thing!), I would have ventured out sooner. Now, when we go to play parties, we'll be able to actually mingle before/after scenes. 
(not that we weren't's just harder to break into new groups when everyone is in full protocol,etc)
We even got invited to a private party.

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