Fic Collective

Apr 01, 2015 16:04

Here's a collection of my fic in chronological order, starting with my newest fandom and working backwards. Some of the earlier fics, especially in Harry Potter, were almost impossible for me to find in the great beyond that is my LJ. For those, I've linked to the fic journal I set up an age ago. :)

Updated: December 1, 2012

The Marvel Movie Universe

Words May Fail (The Body Remains) | r | There's a beginning to every love story, Clint knows. Theirs just has more bullets and crazy people.

Sherlock (BBC)

Needing is One Thing (Getting is Another), coauthored with mirrorskippy:

1: Needing is One Thing (Getting is Another) | r | In which there are near death experiences, escapes, capture, sex, and John in Sherlock’s coat, but not necessarily in that order.

2: Infiltrate (tear down the walls and the gate) | nc17 | Sequel to Needing is One Thing (Getting is Another): This is a moment Sherlock will look back to time and again as the future stalks forward; an instance he will use to justify his actions, the decisions he will make. He'd known Moriarty was working solely for his attention, even John had recognized as much during the first assault. But Sherlock has been a fool, a dangerous, incompetent fool, because this is so far beyond all that. | AO3

3: The Love Song of Two Idiots | r | The eighth time Sherlock proposed to John, it was on a Thursday afternoon in the middle of a Tesco. And like the seven times before, he got rejected. | Part of the N/G series, but can definitely be understood on its own. | AO3

AU of an AU -- an offshoot of Infiltrate, intended as the continuation of the story, but does not have to be read in the same universe:

4. Speculation (Or, Five People Who Wondered About the Holmes Family) | r | The reason John and Sherlock have four children is because they didn't want five. | AO3

5. (Life is) A Series of Risks | nc17 | The work comes first. | AO3

Stand Alones:
The Patch of Three | pg13 | “Surely it isn’t rude to want to know more about the man sharing my living quarters. Especially one who insists on going about looking something of a vagabond.” A story about Watson's patched coat.

Porny comment fic | nc17 | Sherlock isn't interested in sex.


Follow My Lead | nc17 | It begins like this: Tony, being handsome, normal, everyday Tony, in his favorite dove-gray suit and the Armani tie Tim bought him for Christmas, with his devil-may-care smile that lights up the room as a bonus accessory, says, “Want to go dancing tonight?”

Three Times Two | nc17 | He loves it, that perfect intimacy of listening to Tim panting and cry out curses, dropping his head forward and then throwing it back like he can’t decide which is better, straining so damn beautiful.

The Logistics of Four Balls In Play | nc17 | So… so, here’s the thing. Tony is a little bit scared of cock.

ariadne83 prompt: "Tim/Tony! Anything will do, really, but I love stories where Abby finds out."

linnet_melody prompt: NCIS, Tony/Tim discussing Gibb's rules

villainny prompt: Um... Tim fretting because Tony won't tell him why he's in hospital. Because it's REALLY EMBARRASSING.

NCIS podfic:
Fine, Except by villainny | pg | Anthony DiNozzo, Tim has discovered, is like a whole world of 'which would be fine, except...'. It's a clumsy way of phrasing it, and his inner artist winces every time, but there's no way he's referring to Tony as 'a whole world of 'but'', not even inside his own head.

NCIS Crossover:
Crash | pg | tim/tony | He stares at the gray bulkheads, heavy and endless and so damn tall, the walls of the world they’re living, and says, “I don’t know if I can do this.” Crossed over with the movie 2012. 1300 words.

Star Trek

Sex is Not the Enemy, and Neither Are Ex-Wives | nc17 | Leonard comes to a realization one evening when Jim is fucking and fucking and fucking him, slow as molasses under the old, creaking fan, summer heat slick between them and the sun like fire over Jim’s bare, beautiful back. 1,034 words.

sangre_fria prompt: "How about "first times"? Whether they be first meetings, first missions, first moments of understanding each other, or first nights together."


untitled Royal Arthur, King of Camelot ficlet | pg | His voice is rough with disuse and emotion, and Merlin’s throat is suddenly so tight he can hardly breathe, let alone speak. Elithia drops to her knees, whispers, “Your highness,” but Arthur is already walking away.

This Even Keel | pg13 | When Arthur is five years old, he develops a debilitating fear of the dark. 5700 words.

Lights Passing on an Evening Train | g | Arthur’s clothes smell of cigarettes and cheap beer, and his forehead and chin feel grimy, from smoke and kisses and memories made.

Be Wise and Keep On | nc17 | “Patience,” Arthur said, and nudged Merlin’s foot up onto his shoulder. His tongue was caught between his teeth. “It can’t be this difficult, there’s only so much room in here.”

Birds and Bees | nc17 | Above him, Arthur scoffed. “Nervous? What’s there to be nervous about?” A KindaInexperienced!Arthur ficlet.

A Feeling We Don't Know Yet | pg13 | The first time they end up in bed together, Arthur is crawling towards death with his fingers raked into the ground.

mclachlan prompt: "Arthur/Merlin... Arthur finds out (because Merlin is doing something totally inane with his magic) and thinks it's quite fantastic."

refracting prompt: "Arthur/Merlin, Arthur has to deal with Merlin and Morgana being magical BFFs."

Ras's Kissing Meme | pg13 | The first time they kiss it's a kiss between friends.

jazmin22 prompt: Merlin, WWII-AU...and that's all I got. Go!

mclachland prompt: MERLIN! Arthur/Merlin -- Arthur doesn't find out. Merlin TELLS him.

bewarethespork prompt: Merlin, Merlin/Arthur, lazy Saturdays?


Dreaming with a Broken Heart | nc17 | There were things the government didn’t teach soldiers in boot camp.

Notion | nc17 | Sometimes you just have drive out to nowhere to know where you're going.

Class 6 | nc17 | A chance meeting before John and Rodney ever met in Rising.

Little Thing | nc17 | It wasn’t that John had a problem with his ass, per se.

Guardian | pg13 | Rodney deals with survivors guilt. Tag for Grace Under Pressure.

The Other Side of the Year | pg13 | A midnight Jumper ride on New Year’s Eve. Set directly after Grace Under Pressure.

Of Pizza Bellies and Randy Colonels | nc17 | A night of earth food and debauchery. And stripping. There can never be enough stripping.

A Theory of Silence | pg | Light came from the corner of his eye, and John let himself look out the windshield, let himself turn his face into this system’s sun as the Jumper slowly rolled towards it.

Maharaja | r | Aliens Try To Make Them Do It (and fail miserably). His Vizier blamed it on the head wound that had gotten him into this particular situation to begin with, and the Maharaja was more than willing to go along with it, because hello. He had a Vizier.

Music Men | pg | Two men, two songs, one shower.

The Five Frustrations of John Sheppard (and the one satisfaction that makes it all worth while) | pg | Exactly what it sounds like, only with pudding and technophobia.

The Final Frontier | g | Star Trek AU, takes place in the Star Trek, The Next Generation era.

Flirting With Disaster, and Other Cliches | pg | John's earful.

Everything Free | nc17 | The many loves of John Sheppard.

Unnamed Knee Ficlet | r

Babble | nc17 | A first time fic. PWP all the way.

Provider | nc17 | John gets a late night visitor.

Push Me Over | nc17 | John’s late night visitor returns. Sequel to Provider.

Motion | nc17 | A smut-let about my kink for glass window sex.

Manly Man | nc17 | John gets his. A sequel to Motion

No Such Luck | pg | It’s not that they didn’t try. Post Siege 3 ficlet, 842 words

Station | nc17 | Sometimes you have to get what you need any way you can. AU universe where it’s 1973, John is a druggy, and Rodney gives him exactly what he needs.

Philos | pg13 | John wants to take Rodney somewhere.

Quilt | pg13 | It wouldn’t have been so bad if Rodney had a blanket or two.

Wave | g | This is how John Sheppard kisses: lazy, with a lot of tongue.

Baby Rodney Fic | g | “Well, aside from a touch of asthma and his allergies, he’s as healthy as a horse,” Keller announced, looping her stethoscope back around her neck. “Much healthier than the babies I’m used to seeing in the Pegasus galaxy.”
Baby Fic, Part 1
Baby Fic, Part 2
Baby Fic, Part 3
Baby Fic, Part 4
Baby Fic, Part 5
Baby Fic, Part 6
Baby Fic, Part 7
Baby Fic, Part 8
Baby Fic, Part 9
Baby Fic, Part 10

bellewhan drabble prompt: "Baby Rodney clutched John’s Beretta M9 to his chest. John -- "

Christmas Fic:
Mistletoe | pg13 | It isn’t that John has ever gone out of his way to hide the fact that he’s gay, it’s just that no one’s really asked.

Christmas Pie | nc17 | Rodney moaned piteously. “No, why did you have to say that, I can barely move, I’m three parts blue elk right now.”

Little Ravine | pg | John crossed his arms and glared his best Colonel glare. “Break me out.”

Merry Christmas, Major Lorne | pg | In which Rodney gets his ass scrubbed, John gets his head shaved, and Lorne totally loses all his desert rations.

With Ronon:
How We Operate | nc17 | “Hours?” Oh, God, John couldn’t do this, even if Rodney was making noises no man should make, and Ronon’s hands were under the table, and John was not seeing this, he was not--

With Ford:
Native Serendipity | nc17 | Alien mojo drugged fertility cave sex. Those pesky aliens, they do enjoy their sex, don’t they? Season 1.

Ten Days | pg | Rodney finds himself in an Atlantis that’s been completely deserted. Inspired by spoilers for Grace Under Pressure.

Eleven Moments | r | The moments of Sam Carter’s life, both on Earth and on Atlantis.

Under the Wire | pg | They should have learned by now not to touch things in the Ancient labs.

Five Times Lorne Gets a Tattoo | pg | The first tattoo Evan gets, he’s sixteen years old and a good boy with nothing to prove.

The Seed 5x02
Search and Rescue 5x01

The Last Man 4x20
The Seer and Miller's Crossing
Tabula Rasa 4x06
Travelers 4x05
Doppleganger 4x04
Reunion 4x03
Lifeline 4x02
Adrift 4x01

First Strike 3x20
Vengeance 3x19
Submerged 3x18
Sunday 3x17
Sunday 3x17 Reviewlette
The Ark 3x16
The Game 3x15
Tao of Rodney 3x14
Irresponsible 3x13
Echoes 3x12
Sateda 3x04
Irresistible 3x03
The Return, Part 2


Hound Dog | nc17 | Daniel has no recollection of the events that took place in the weeks prior to his death. Jack tries to help him remember. Includes shameless Queen references, M*A*S*H quotes, poker-playin’ dogs, soft fuzzy sweaters and sub-text aplenty.

Causality | g | A forgotten scene from Moebius 2 and an alternate ending. Daniel, AU!Jack, and what was, what is, and what can never be.

Brother in Arms | pg | What using a gun means to a man like Daniel.

Sweet Revenge | pg13 | "You can’t go around the universe taming wild beasts with chocolate and energy bars!”

Moody Inn | r | A short mood piece, set in a motel.

Nothing Like the Sun | g | The intimate details of life and love between two unlikely people.

Corwritten with kelex:
Hammurabi's Code | nc17 | SG-1 discovers a planet who's society was pulled off Earth at the height of Mesopotamian development. The ruler of the world, King Hammurabi, is hiding something from them, and Jack must protect his team while finding out what that is.

Astronomy | nc17 | Jack and Daniel take a trip to Pike's Peak.

Primary Protocol | nc17 | Jack and Daniel re-establish their primary operating protocols. Robot!Jack/Daniel.


Beneath the Sheets Lies My Truth | pg13 | In fact, Ianto is so many damned things that he didn’t realize he needed saving until he met Jack Harkness, until Jack leapt into his life with his ridiculous coat and his ridiculous braces and his ridiculous smile.

The Dominant Line Between Life and Death | r | In the space of a heartbeat, between the rhythmic pulse of life itself, Ianto’s world is split in two. There is only the Before and the After, the Once Was and Is Now, as if someone has cut him right down the middle, a perfect sagittal seam that has equal parts guts, eyes, and heart. He is coexisting with himself, and the other Ianto won’t stop screaming. A post-Cyberwoman tag.

Harry Potter

Visitation | nc17 | Sex in the Dorm Room during Christmas.

Virginity | nc17 | Harry and Draco get caught. Sequel to Visitation.

Dark Chocolate and White Chocolate (the Chocolate Series) | nc17 | An AU set after the events of Order of the Phoenix. Snape takes Harry on as a seventh year apprentice... but it isn't what it seems.

Starlight Confessional | g | Draco Malfoy comes upon a scene he shouldn’t have, and this is the outcome.

Imperfection | g | Just a little fic, of what Sev really thinks about Harry.

Under the Eyes of the Moon | nc17 | Sex on a wild and stormy night, set sometime in the future after the war.

One Kiss | nc17 | For the [info]pornicators First Kiss challenge.

Spoils of War | nc17 | The war is over, and Harry and his friends are the spoils of war.

The Red Journal | nc17 | Sirius finds out that Snape comes up to the dorms for hot lovin’, and goes off the deep end.

Renaissance Man | nc17 | Harry, Ron, and Snape get sent back into the past, and have to find a way to keep themselves alive.

Peg Boy | nc17 | Harry, Ron, and Snape get sent back into the past, and have to find a way to keep themselves alive.

Bed of Bones | nc17 | After the events of Order of the Phoenix, Harry stops living. It takes the actions of two special people for him to see the worth in himself again.

Bitter Sixteen | pg | Petunia finally opens her eyes.

Lilac | pg | Rain drops fall onto the rolls of parchment he has left on the table beside him. The ink bleeds, but only for a moment-the charm he mutters over them, over his memoirs and memories, carefully realigns itself.

Hail Fellow, Well Met | pg | Harry and Voldemort have an unexpected conversation.

Sanctuary | r | A young man looks for peace. Snape-centric.

Co-Authored with kelex:
Patesco | nc17 | patesco: to be laid open, bare, exposed, to be revealed

(Please don't judge me by the fics I wrote in this fandom. I was 16, dude, and it shows.)

Ride Awhile | nc17 | Lex takes Clark to a special place he's had forever...

Cow Love | r | Clark and Lex find love in the most interesting of places...and under the most interesting of circumstances.

M.U. | r | Ever had to wait to get your class schedule? Isn't it grueling?

Weekend Cards | pg13 | A little weekend fun.

Co-Authored with kelex:
Marathon Shower | nc17 | Based on the fourth season episode, "Gone". These are the lost scenes.

Distorted | nc17 | Based on the fourth season episode, "Façade". Sequel to Marathon Shower

Drive All Night Series

Here's the thing. I've been a military brat all my life, and spent most of my first 20 years moving. It's instilled in me a wanderer's spirit, and sometimes that bleeds over into my fic. Here are a few of the fics over the years where my main characters are traveling. Some of these fics are about the mystery and beauty that comes from being out on the road in the middle of the night, with nothing but headlights and the green-blue interior lights of your car, and some of these fics are about escaping from bad situations, and some are a bit of both.

Lights Passing on an Evening Train | g | Arthur’s clothes smell of cigarettes and cheap beer, and his forehead and chin feel grimy, from smoke and kisses and memories made.

Notion | nc17 | Sometimes you just have drive out to nowhere to know where you're going.

A Theory of Silence | pg | Light came from the corner of his eye, and John let himself look out the windshield, let himself turn his face into this system’s sun as the Jumper slowly rolled towards it.

Hound Dog | nc17 | Daniel has no recollection of the events that took place in the weeks prior to his death. Jack tries to help him remember. Includes shameless Queen references, M*A*S*H quotes, poker-playin’ dogs, soft fuzzy sweaters and sub-text aplenty.

Sanctuary | r | A young man looks for peace. Snape-centric.

Ride Awhile | nc17 | Lex takes Clark to a special place he's had forever...


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