(no subject)

Feb 08, 2004 21:50

Firiel: *stops by Noro's room and knocks on the door gently*

Noro: ::opens the door, her hair still mussed from sleep:: H'llo?

Firiel: Oh, Noro, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you.

Noro: ::blinks once:: Oh . . . Miss Firi, no, it's fine. ::attempts a messy curtsy::

Firiel: *takes Noro's hand and kisses the back of it* How are you feeling, my friend?

Noro: . . . I'm fine, how are you?

Firiel: I'm fine. I... *gently* I heard what happened... I'm sorry, Noro...

Noro: ::blinks:: Oh. Okay. Would you . . . like to come in?

Firiel: I'm not interrupting anything? I can stop by later, if you'd like...

Noro: ::eyes her:: You don't have to come in if you don't want to.

Firiel: No, Noro, I thought you might want to sleep. If it's not a problem now, I can stay.

Noro: ::smiles halfway:: Firi, all I've been doing is wandering the halls and sleeping, I swear. Come in.

Firiel: *nods slightly and enters* You've been all right?

Noro: Yes. How have you been, Miss Firi? I apologize for not coming to see how you were.

Firiel: Oh, Noro, please, don't apologize. I understand. *hugs her gently, rubbing her back* I should have come to see you before now. I'm sorry.

Noro: ::blinking:: It's okay, really.

Firiel: *takes her to the bed and sits her down* Is everything all right? Your health? You are recovering well?

Noro: Um . . . yeah . . . . I mean, I'm out of the healers' grasp, aren't I?

Firiel: Yes... but you're all right?

Noro: Would you like to inspect me?

Firiel: No... I didn't mean physically...

Noro: ::pauses:: Oh.

Firiel: *sits next to her and pets her hair*

Noro: ::her cheek twitches ever so slightly:: I'm really okay.

Firiel: *softly* Are you, Noro?

Noro: Yes.

Firiel: All right. I wish I could have stopped by earlier, just to see how you were doing. But I'm glad you're all right.

Noro: ::blinks:: Are you going somehwhere?

Firiel: *nods slightly* I have to go to Arthedain...

Noro: Where's that?

Firiel: It's farther north from here... Kind of far...

Noro: ::headtilts:: Forever?

Firiel: No, dear, not forever. Just long enough to get rid of a pest.

Noro: Oh. ::is quiet for a moment:: Be safe.

Firiel: *nods slightly* You too, Noro. *rubs her hand* I'll write to you, if you wish.

Noro: Oh, you don't need to take the trouble . . .

Firiel: *smiles gently* It's no trouble.

Noro: Well . . . ::bites her lip:: Have we been that bad to you here?

Firiel: No, Noro, of course not! No... I'm not leaving because of you all. A creature is here, because of me. I need to lure him away from here, possibly kill him.

Noro: . . . no. Don't go. ::grips her hand::

Firiel: *gently* Noro, he's hurting people here...

Noro: So why do you have to go? Why can't someone go in your place? I'll go.

Firiel: *hugs her* He's somewhat after me. I have to leave, and if he follows, we will try to kill him...

Noro: I sort of can look like you. I've got dark hair.

Firiel: *squeezes her hand* I wouldn't ask you to put yourself in danger for my sake, Noro.

Noro: ::smiles slightly:: I wouldn't mind, really. It would give me a chance to prove myself.

Firiel: But you have children to look after, dear. You have your whole life...

Noro: What life?
Noro: What life compared to yours?

Firiel: Yours is precious, Noro. You are still a child. You have your whole life ahead of you. Don't risk that for me.

Noro: ::looks at her sadly:: Please?

Firiel: Noro... why would you do that?

Noro: ::plays with a loose thread in her skirt:: It's not much of a life if no one wants you here 'cause you've messed up. Maybe if I helped you, they'd see I want to be different. Even if I have to get hurt or die for that.

Firiel: *gently* They can't see that otherwise?

Noro: No, they can't.

Firiel: I... Noro, I can't put you in danger...

Noro: ::firmly:: I'll tie you up and go in your place.

Firiel: Noro, please. I can't let you give up your life...

Noro: Why not?
Noro: If it is freely given . . .

Firiel: You are my friend. I can't stay here and know you could be killed...

Noro: And so how do you expect me to do the same?

Firiel: *gently* Because this is my burden.

Noro: ::a little frantically:: I'm not strategist, but . . . but what if . . . we both went? And then we split. Wouldn't it confuse whoever's following?

Firiel: *softly* Noro, do you know who is following?

Noro: . . . no?

Firiel: The vampire. He somehow thinks I am his hobby. And wherever I go, he follows, hurting the people around me... if I can get rid of him in Arthedain... I have to at least try...

Noro: . . . but . . . what if . . . . we could share blood? Confuse him?

Firiel: What do you mean by "share blood"?

Noro: I don't know. ::wipes an eye::

Firiel: *gently* Noro, please don't cry... *rubs the back of her hand softly* You have people you need to take care of *here*. You need to be here for them...

Noro: They don't want me here.

Firiel: Your children do. Gorlim does. *lifts her chin* You're needed here.

Noro: And you aren't?

Firiel: *softly, lowers her head* I have to take care of this.

Noro: You can't let someone else do it for you?

Firiel: Who could do it for my? And I can't just put someone else's life in danger because of it.

Noro: I was serious about tying you up, you know.

Firiel: Noro, you have to stay here. You have to take care of everyone here.

Noro: They'd much prefer I go. And you stay.

Firiel: I know only two people who feel that way, you being one of them. *sighs* Everyone would rather my family left, and they're not going to leave me here...

Noro: Why, what has your family done?

Firiel: My brother and Arvedui drugged and left Gorlim for bait for the vampire, trying to kill them both. Now, Gorlim is the only one who says it, but the general populace would rather they leave. I can feel it...

Noro: . . . so you feel like me. Let's be outcasts together? ::takes her hand and looks at her hopefully::

Firiel: *holds her hand and places the other at Noro's cheek* It's too dangerous, Noro. I don't want to risk you.

Noro: Why not?

Firiel: You are my friend. I don't want any harm to come to you.

Noro: But none should come to you. I'm the obvious choice for someone to lose.

Firiel: *gently* I don't want to lose you....?

Noro: Well, *no* *one* wants to lose you!

Firiel: *smiles sadly* But this is my burden to bear, Noro.

Noro: So? Nobody can hold up the world all by themself.

Firiel: I'm not holding up the world, dear. Just my part of it.

Noro: What if I refuse to let you go?

Firiel: *frowns slightly* How? Why?

Noro: I'll cling to your leg.

Firiel: You don't think anyone will miss you here? You have children to take care of, Noro. You have to watch over Gorlim. And yourself, most of all.

Noro: Gorlim has Dred. I'm being phased out, Miss Firi.

Firiel: *frowns* ....if I let you come with me.... you wouldn't do anything to...make him think you were me, would you? You wouldn't risk yourself?

Noro: Do you want the truth?

Firiel: *nods* Please.

Noro: Of *course* I would. Why in the world do you think I've been trying to stop you?

Firiel: Noro, I can't let you do that.

Noro: I can't let you leave.

Firiel: But I *have* to. Can't you see, Noro?

Noro: No.

Firiel: There are too many people risked here. I can't allow that. I have to leave.

Noro: ::simply:: I don't want you to.

Firiel: *whispering* We can't always have what we want...

Noro: You want to go away. Why do you get to have that?

Firiel: I don't want to go away, Noro.

Noro: You do too. You just don't want to admit it. Just say it, Firi, just *say* it.

Firiel: If everything was as it should be, I would stay here, with my friends and family. There would not be a vampire terrorizing the city, nor would we have any problems.

Noro: Nothing is ever as it should be. You can't demand perfection from the world, and you can't expect to make it perfect yourself!

Firiel: And I'm not trying, Noro. I'm only trying to do what I can.

Noro: . . . ::tightly:: I think you have stuff to be doing.

Firiel: Such as what?

Noro: . . . such as packing.

Firiel: Oh. *nods and gets up* If you need anything.... you know where to find me...

Noro: No. I don't.

Firiel: You can come to my room.

Noro: I don't know where your room is, ma'am.

Firiel: Please don't call me that, Noro. I can show you where it is.

Noro: ::sighs:: You shouldn't be here anymore, if you're leaving.

Firiel: *bows her head sadly and curtsies slightly* Send for me if you need.

Noro: . . . stop that.

Firiel: ....there's nothing to stop, my lady. *kisses the back of her hand and exits the room*

Noro: ::frowns and follows her, stopping at the door:: I'm not a lady! Stop it!

Firiel: *stops and turns around, gently* Noro, you are a lady. You are grown up, people need you. Recognize that, dear.

Noro: ::her eyes hurt, she retreats back into her room and shuts the door::

Firiel: *sighs and walks back to her room sadly, deciding to write Noro a note before she leaves*

So, Noro's upset with me, Gorlim's a child, I'm having trouble with my decision-making on a certain topic again, and there's a vampire after my family. What more could go wrong?

*stops by the kitchens to get garlic, putting it around the Quarters*

Vanyon: *nips Artamir's neck*

Artamir: *shoves him and whips out his sword* Leave me and my family alone.

Vanyon: *pushes the sword aside* Mm?

Artamir: I said stay away. *pushes it back*

Vanyon: right. It sounded like that.

Artamir: You've heard this from my sister; now here it from me. Leave us be or I will kill you.

Vanyon: well, that makes me see the errors of my ways. I shall not bother you or your kin for as long as you all shall live. *bows and turns away*
Vanyon: toodles.

Artamir: .....that was far too easy... o.o *goes back to his room*

Vanyon: *has gotten there before and left a dead guard*

Artamir: ....>.< *takes the guard outside, comes back in, and sharpens his sword and dagger*

Vanyon: *pleased*

Firiel: *leaves garlic around everything*

Vanyon: *sniffs it curiously*

Firiel: *finishes and gives him a garland of it*

Vanyon: looks rather jaunty.

Firiel: Does it, now? e.e

Vanyon: *arranges it*

Firiel: ...of course it does. >.< *walks off*

Vanyon: *eyedart* *drops it and quickly starts scratching whereever it touched* gah

Firiel: *adds more to whatever she's set about*

Vanyon: *follows, trying not to breath* saw your brother

Firiel: *waves some in front of him* Did you now?

Vanyon: ..*ignores* yes. took a little bite.

Firiel: Funny, I thought we had a bargain.

Vanyon: *shrugs*

Firiel: I should have known you wouldn't have upheld your part. *shrug, goes on her way*

Vanyon: I am evil. *follows*

Firiel: *sighs and continues walking* Stop following me, Vanyon.

Vanyon: I'm planning to drag you into a backroom and eat you, actually. Since you seem to be perfectly healthy.

Firiel: You didn't keep your part of our agreement. Why should I keep mine?

Vanyon: I don't need your assent.

Firiel: You won't feed on me this time.

Vanyon: and why is that?

Firiel: Because you've done enough damage.

Vanyon: that...doesn't dissuade me.

Firiel: I didn't expect it to. *sighs* Leave us alone, Vanyon.

Vanyon: no.

Firiel: We cannot be that interesting.

Vanyon: I'm easily entertained.

Firiel: Go find a few wild animals to entertain you, then.

Vanyon: *picks Firiel up and dumps her over his shoulder*

Firiel: *sighs and stabs his back*

Vanyon: *loses a step but keeps going*

Firiel: *stabs him again*

Vanyon: *slams her head into the wall*

Firiel: *goes unconscious*

Vanyon: *slips into a room and dumps her on the bed* *sits and tries to figure out what to do with her*

Firiel: *lies on the bed, not moving*

Vanyon: *fiddles with her dress a bit*

Firiel: *lies for a while, then moans and reaches up to her head*

Vanyon: >.> *adjust things to make it look like he had time to get up to more before she woke up* Hello, darling.

Firiel: *sits up on an elbow, rubbing her head with the other hand, and looks around* ....oh Eru... o.o

Vanyon: Now. About your manners.

Firiel: *scoots back against the headboard, pulling her legs in and holding her head*

Vanyon: Stabbing people is horribly rude. *toys her dress* *holds it up*

Firiel: *swats at his hand, teary-eyed* Stop that! Raping people is rude also, if you didn't know.

Vanyon: *snorts and gets off the bed to lock the door*

Firiel: *wide-eyed* What are you doing?

Vanyon: Just making sure we can have a nice, uninterrupted conversation

Firiel: We don't need to have a nice, uninterrupted conversation.

Vanyon: we don't?

Firiel: No. *miserably* We just need you to leave.

Vanyon: I don't leave until I wish to.

Firiel: *holds her head* You wish it now.

Vanyon: No. Not particularily. *sits back down on the bed and strokes her hair*

Firiel: *moves his hand and pulls her dress close to her, tucking it under her* You do. You want to leave now.

Vanyon: *pulls her onto him* No. I don't.

Firiel: *tenses* Vanyon, leave me alone! *squirms, trying to get off him*

Vanyon: *tightens his grip*

Firiel: *breathes shallowly and rubs her head* Leave me alone, Vanyon.

Vanyon: No. *bites*

Firiel: *pushes him away from her* Stop!

Vanyon: *bites again and starts drinking*

Firiel: *pushes him until she passes out again*

Vanyon: *arranges her*

Firiel: *lies limp*

Vanyon: *wipes his mouth and admires*

Firiel: *shifts*

Vanyon: *changes her position a bit and deals with her outfit*

Firiel: *sleeps*

Vanyon: *lays down beside her, wraps his wings around himself and decides to follow suit*

Firiel: *wakes up later and looks next to her, eyes widening* Not again... *scoots away from him slowly, pulling her clothes over herself and slipping off the bed, holding her head again*

Vanyon: *unmoving and not breathing*

Firiel: *grabs a blanket and wraps it around herself, unlocks the door and leaves*

Vanyon: *opens a eye* no theatrics? I'm disappointed.

Firiel: *goes to another hall and sinks to the floor, huddled in her blanket*

Rogue: *walks by backwards, leading out a ball of yarn behind her*

Firiel: *is covered by the blanket, head buried in her knees*

Rogue: *wraps the yarn around Firi*

Firiel: *doesn't notice* *cries*

Rogue: o.o hey! it's a nice colour!

Firiel: *looks up slightly, eyes red*

Rogue: hey there

Firiel: *wipes her eyes* ...hi... *sniffles and burrows into the blanket more*

Rogue: what happen? Frealaf run off with a nice mare?

Firiel: No... the vampire.... *clutches the blanket*

Rogue: Didn't seem his type.

Firiel: *sighsniffles* No, Frealaf didn't run off with anyone..

Rogue: then? *sits*

Firiel: *sniffles* I'd rather not talk about it.

Rogue: *offers her ball of yarn*

Firiel: *wipes her eyes again and looks at Rogue* Thank you, dear...

Rogue: it's yellow

Firiel: *nods and takes the ball, pulling at the string, sniffling* It's a very pretty color.

Rogue: I like it. Stole it from Luthien.

Firiel: You *sniffle* don't think she'd want it back?

Rogue: she shall never know.

Firiel: Why not?

Rogue: I am stealthy like mouse.

Firiel: Oh. *sniff* *gives it back* It's very pretty.

Rogue: thank you. *leans against Firiel*

Firiel: *sniffles and twitches*

Rogue: what?

Firiel: I'd.. rather not touch anyone....

Rogue: I'm not dirty >.>

Firiel: No, Rogue, I know. *takes a deep, shaky breath* I don't want to touch anyone.

Rogue: oh.

Firiel: *sniffles and rests her forehead on her knees*

Rogue: *does not touch. nooo touching*

Firiel: *pulls the blanket tighter around her*

Rogue: >.> *no touch*

Firiel: *takes deep breaths and hides under her blanket*

Rogue: o.o

Firiel: *hidinghidingnoonecanseeher*

Rogue: *pouncecling*

Firiel: O.O *panics*

Rogue: I'm little!

Firiel: *sniffles and moves the blanket to huddle with Rogue, clinging*

Rogue: *cuddle*

Firiel: *clings, whispers* Thank you.

Rogue: no problem. no selling me to dunlenders. >.>

Firiel: *curls next to her* I wouldn't sell you.

Rogue: alrighty.
Rogue: *pets*

Firiel: *whispers* Can you keep an eye out for the vampire? He's tall and has fangs. Wake me if you see him?

Rogue: will do. *pets*

Firiel: Thank you. *rests her head on Rogue's shoulder and falls asleep again*

Rogue: *looks around alertly for vampires*

Firiel: *clings in her sleep*

Rogue: *tries to be comforting*
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