(no subject)

Dec 23, 2003 22:45

Firiel: *pounces Gorlim*

Gorlim: O.O Firiel!

Firiel: Hello. *smiles*

Gorlim: Hello. *smiles*

Firiel: How are you?

Gorlim: Weed-like.

Firiel: Weed-like? *confused*

Gorlim: *pulls a handful of weeds from his pocket* Weed-like.

Firiel: How do you feel weed-like?

Gorlim: *returns the weeds* You know how weeds tend to grow in the middle of a flower patch?

Firiel: *nods slightly*

Gorlim: Weed-like!

Firiel: You feel out of place?

Gorlim: *snaps his fingers* That's it!

Firiel: Why?

Gorlim: *considers* Reasons.

Firiel: Reasons. *shrugs* All right. *pats his arm* Anything I can do to help you feel less out of place?

Gorlim: Come have some tea with me?

Firiel: Of course. *small smile*

Gorlim: *hugs her and leads her down to the kitchen*

Firiel: *follows, humming softly*

Gorlim: You sound happy...

Firiel: I'm... happy, yes.

Gorlim: *grins* That's wonderful.

Firiel: Are you?

Gorlim: .....Yes, I think so.

Firiel: Good. *hugs him* I'm glad to hear that.

Gorlim: *hums and makes tea*

Firiel: *smiles and sits at a table* Do you need me to do anything?

Gorlim: Just sit there. That's fine.

Firiel: All right. *sits, watching him*

Gorlim: *brings the tea over and pours it for them both*

Firiel: *wraps her hands around her cup to warm them* So how have things been going lately?

Gorlim: The usual...

Firiel: The usual?

Gorlim: *shrugs*

Firiel: *gently* Talk to me, Gorlim. *puts a hand on his*

Gorlim: *jumps, as if suddenly startled out of a thought* I'm sorry, Firi. *takes her hand and rubs it with his thumb* I'm fine, really.

Firiel: *takes his hand in both of hers* What's wrong, dear?

Gorlim: *insistently* Nothing, Firi! *drinks tea* Nothing at all.

Firiel: *eyes him* Something is not right. You won't tell me? *still holding his hand*

Gorlim: It's not... It's... Firi, I'm not entirely sure what it is and even if I were there's nothing you would be able to do about it.

Firiel: Would it help to simply talk?

Gorlim: *shrugs* I just... wanted some company, that's all.

Firiel: *nods* I can give you that whenever you want it. *squeezes his hand*

Gorlim: *kisses her hand*

Firiel: *sips her tea, slightly frowning, and watches him*
Firiel: *slight smile, perks up* What can I give you for Erumas, Gorlim?

Gorlim: A kiss.

Firiel: That's all?

Gorlim: I don't expect you to give me even that much, you silly girl.

Firiel: You still think that? *takes his hands in hers and kisses the backs of them* ...That was not the gift. *smiles and scoots to sit next to him*

Gorlim: *puts his arm around her and smiles sadly* I know...

Firiel: You will get it. In a few days time. *kisses his cheek and holds him close*

Gorlim: *hugs her tight*

Firiel: *smoothes his hair from his face* You've been quiet lately.

Gorlim: Not much to say?

Firiel: *softly* ...Or is it something else...?

Gorlim: ....my other excuse is stupid and childish.

Firiel: What is your other excuse?

Gorlim: *softly* Loneliness?

Firiel: *hugs him tightly* That's not stupid or childish. *rubs his back, gently* You are quiet because you are lonely?

Gorlim: *shrugs* A little?

Firiel: Oh. *pokes him gently* Perhaps if you were not so quiet, you would not be so lonely.

Gorlim: Huh? How does that work?

Firiel: *Talk* to someone. They are bound to talk back.

Gorlim: I tried. I talked to Theo. It didn't work.

Firiel: ...Theo doesn't talk. He creates mischief. Actually, you two might get along well in that respect.

Gorlim: *not quite a real laugh*

Firiel: *eyes him, sighs* Have you spent time with anyone else? Not necessarily to talk, just someone to be with.

Gorlim: Mandy. Halbarad. Eomer. Theodred. I dunno why, really, it's just been the last couple of days.... everyone's been off doing.... other things.

Firiel: Well, with Luthien's baby, I imagine Eomer would be somewhat busy. And Halbarad and his wife, their unborn child... *lifts his chin to look at her* But that leaves *you*, doesn't it...

Gorlim: *squirms uncomfortably* Well... yes....

Firiel: *slips her arm out from behind him and turns her chair to look at him directly, leaning on the table* You do always have the children. And me, if nothing else.

Gorlim: That's true, and I have spent time with the kids lately as well. It's just... not quite the same. Not quite whole, you see?

Firiel: *shakes her head* I don't see, Gorlim. Explain it to me? What do you mean "not quite whole"?

Gorlim: It's like this, Firi... I like you a lot. You're one of my best friends. But you're a girl, and no matter how hard you try, that makes you different. And the kids are still kids, and I have to treat them like kids. There's just... something missing without the others. See now?

Firiel: *slight nod* You want the kind of friendship you had with your company?

Gorlim: *nods and stares at his hands*

Firiel: *gently* I think I understand. I wish I could give you that. *sighs* I don't know if I've seen that kind of bond since coming back.

Gorlim: But it is there. With Eomer.... and Halbarad.... and.... it IS there.

Firiel: *under her breath* But not with you... *takes a deep breath* Is that what makes you feel out of place?

Gorlim: *closes his eyes* You really want to know?

Firiel: *nods* If you'll tell me.

Gorlim: Faramir and Haldir and Eomer all have each other.... and their various wives.... and Halbarad has his girl, and you're married, and Hani... well WAS, and anyway she has Theo... and I.... well.

Firiel: *raises a brow slightly* So you want something more than that bond...?

Gorlim: *fidgets* It would be nice to be really wanted by someone. Wanted more than anyone else. That's all. But nobody wants me quite THAT much.

Firiel: *takes his hand in hers and strokes the back* Perhaps one day you will be. Someday soon.

Gorlim: You don't know that.

Firiel: No, I don't. But I can hope.

Gorlim: Don't bother. It's not worth your time.

Firiel: *turns his face to hers* Of course it is. You are worth my time, Gorlim.

Gorlim: *just looks at her*

Firiel: I won't stop hoping. My prayers have to be worth *something*.

Gorlim: *blinks* You care that much? You really... really do that?

Firiel: *looks at him and nods* I do.

Gorlim: *stares*

Firiel: Yes?

Gorlim: *CLINGS*

Firiel: *hugs him tightly, rubbing his back*

Gorlim: *burrows into her arms*

Firiel: Shh *strokes his hair and hums softly to him*

Gorlim: You're too good to me, Firi.

Firiel: Don't say such things, Gorlim. You deserve more than what I can give you.

Gorlim: *hugs her close* You're warmer than winter.

Firiel: *smiles* So are you. *kisses his cheek and rocks him gently*

Gorlim: Not when I sit in a window all night.

Firiel: Then don't sit in a window all night. *hugs him* Goodness, you're cold now. o.o

Gorlim: *chuckles* Yes. Yes, I am.

Firiel: *gets up and pulls his arm* Come. We're going somewhere warmer.

Gorlim: *follows tiredly*

Firiel: Was it last night you spent in the window? *sits him down in front of the small fire in the library and adds a log*

Gorlim: *nods*

Firiel: *shakes her head and puts a blanket over his shoulders, sitting next to him* You shouldn't do that Gorlim, you'll catch a cold.

Gorlim: I've spent more time frozen in the last three days and have yet to get sick! *stubbornly*

Firiel: You haven't been eating well, nor sleeping, and you sit in the cold all night. If you're not sick now, you will be.

Gorlim: Humbug. I lived in worse winters all year long for five years and ate nothing for days. I'll be FINE. *tugs the blanket closer around his shoulders*

Firiel: I still worry about you. *pokes at the fire*

Gorlim: *smiles and watches her* Thank you.

Firiel: *smiles* There's no reason to thank me, dear. Getting warmer?

Gorlim: *nods, snuggles down in the couch pillows with the blanket pulled up to his neck*

Firiel: Good. *kisses his forehead* Can you try sleeping? I know you need it.

Gorlim: What, now?

Firiel: *nods* It's warm, and, unless you have something better to do, there is time to sleep.

Gorlim: All right... *scoots down, curling his knees up, and closes his eyes*

Firiel: *sits next to him and strokes his hair* I'm here if you need me.

Gorlim: *glows, curling up under the blanket and leaning his head lightly against her*

Now, to think of gifts...

((OOC: Ven, could you post that other chat we did later, please? Thanks!))
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