The picnic chat.

Dec 07, 2003 01:05

Ulalume: *skips into Firiel's room* morning Miss Firi!

Firiel: Hello, Ully. *smiles* Ready to go?

Ulalume: Uh huh! Is Mr Frey coming?

Firiel: He's going to join us after breakfast, in the stables. *smiles* I'm going to check to see if your father is awake, all right?

Ulalume: My daddy? Why?

Firiel: He wanted to join us. Is that all right with you?

Ulalume: Really? Ok!

Firiel: *smiles* We have to be quiet, okay? I don't know if he's awake yet.

Ulalume: Oooh. Alright *tiptoes*

Firiel: *knocks gently on Gorlim's door*

Gorlim: Come in! *is sitting by the fire tying his shoelaces in hopeless knots*

Firiel: *enters, gesturing Ully to follow* Good morning, dear. Are you going to join us for breakfast? *watches him tie his shoes* ... Here, let me.

Ulalume: *launches self at him* Daddy! You're coming too?

Gorlim: No, I can -- OOF! *is barreled into by Ully, hugs her* Good morning, pet! Yes, miss Firiel invited me. Is that all right?

Ulalume: Why wouldn't it be? It's gonna be really fun now!

Gorlim: *grins* I'm glad you think so.

Ulalume: *pulls on his hand, far too hyperactive* come ON!

Firiel: Just a moment, Ully. *smiles and ties Gorlim's shoes properly*

Gorlim: All right, dear, all right. *waits for Firi to finish, smiles at her, stands up* Firi? Where are we off to this fine morning?

Ulalume: *watches, fascinated* neeeat

Firiel: Where do you think is the best place to have a picnic? I'm going to pick up our food on the way out, but where to go after that, I'm still thinking.

Gorlim: Let's let Ully decide. Would you like that, Ulalume?

Ulalume: Huh? Oh! Um.... I don't know many places.... Mostly trees. I know alot of climbing trees.

Firiel: *smiles* It might be a little hard to have a picnic in a tree.

Gorlim: Well, you can look as we walk.

Ulalume: Oooh. Okay! *smiles happily and hugs Gorlim* Thanks, Daddy!

Firiel: Why don't you two start walking and I'll get the food.

Ulalume: You sure, Miss Firi? Will you be ableta find us?

Firiel: I'm sure I'll find you.

Gorlim: We'll keep in sight of the courtyard, Fir.

Firiel: *nods* All right.

Ulalume: *kisses Firi on the cheek* Thanks sooo much Miss Firi

Gorlim: *puts his arm around his daughter's waist* Ready, Ully?

Firiel: *heads off to the kitchens*

Ulalume: *nods* Uh huh. ......Where should we go first?

Gorlim: First.... I'll race you outside! *hops very quickly, using his twisted ankle as little as possible*

Ulalume: Hey! You're taller than me! *dashes after him, still several paces behind*

Ulalume: *screeches to a halt in front of him* Daddy, you're hurting yourself

Gorlim: *staggers to a stop* Am I?

Ulalume: You're limping. *points this out*

Gorlim: Ah. True. It's just a twisted foot.

Ulalume: *warning, but grinning* Daddy...... You don't take care of yourself good.

Gorlim: Well. *apologetically* I'm trying, luv. Your dad has a lot of people to take care of, and he doesn't really do a very good job with any of them.

Ulalume: *holds out her hand to take his* You're silly. Of course you take care of us!

Gorlim: *squeezes her hand* I don't. Not really. But I'm going to try a lot harder now.

Ulalume: If you say so, daddy. So, where do you like?

Gorlim: I like where you like. *leans against her*

Firiel: *takes her time getting the food and going out to them, giving them a while to themselves*

Ulalume: *stumbles a bit but points to the general area of 'over there'* There's a nice tree over there

Gorlim: Okay. Lead the way.

Ulalume: *Leads him to a twisted old oak tree and looks up* This one is pretty
Ulalume: It's name is Rohan. And that one *points* is Gondor

Gorlim: *smiles* You named them? *sits under it and leans against the gnarled trunk*

Ulalume: Uh huh. I talk to them too. Except Dol Amroth. *screws up face* I don't like that one

Gorlim: *chuckles* You know more places than I do!

Ulalume: Nah. I just name them *beams*

Gorlim: You're good at naming. Come here, sit by me.

Ulalume: *sits and draws knees up to chin*

Ulalume: Are you gonna see the horsies with us?\

Gorlim: The horsies? Oh... sure. I'll come see them. Did you know I have a horse? *puts his arm around her*

Ulalume: *eyes go wide and she stares at him* Really? You have a horse?

Gorlim: *nods* His name is Montmorency. He isn't really MINE, but he's the one I always ride.

Ulalume: Neat! I like that name. I think Mr. Frey is going to take us out. I've never met him before.

Gorlim: He's uh... he's... erm. I'll let you decide if you like him.

Ulalume: Kay. *looks up at the leaves* Wonder where Miss Firi is....Maybe she got stopped by Mr Miss Eomer
Ulalume: *thinks out loud*

Firiel: *she walks out to the courtyard and spots them under the tree. Approaching slowly, she sets the basket down*

Gorlim: She's here. You know Eomer, sweetie?

Ulalume: Hi Miss Firi! *waves, despite the fact that she's in plain sight* Yeah a bit

Gorlim: Ah. You like him?

Ulalume: He's nice. he was kinda not too good when i found her.... him..... Eomer

Gorlim: Not.. too... good?

Firiel: *squats down across from them and interrupts them for a moment* I'm sorry, but do you two want to have a picnic by yourselves? Just a father/daughter thing?

Ulalume: *distracted* Miss Firi!
Ulalume: We want you here too!

Firiel: But don't you want to spend some time just with your father? *smiles*

Gorlim: Oh, please stay, Firiel! I like you! *grins*

Ulalume: See? I spend time with Daddy, I want to spend time with both of you!
Ulalume: Like a family thing.
Ulalume: But not

Firiel: All right, then. *smiles and sits down where she is*

Ulalume: *grins and flops over her lap* So how is evvybody?

Firiel: *smiles and pets Ully's hair* Everybody includes whom?

Ulalume: You two, silly

Firiel: I'm fine. How are *you*?

Ulalume: I'm okay....

Firiel: Just okay?

Ulalume: Uh.... Yeah?

Firiel: Is something wrong?

Ulalume: No no! *hastily*

Firiel: *eyes her expression* You're sure?

Ulalume: *crosses heart* hope to die

Firiel: Oh, silly. *smiles* All right. *hugs her*

Ulalume: *giggles*

Firiel: Are you excited about the horses?

Ulalume: YES! yesyesyesyesyes! Daddy has a horse!

Firiel: Does he now? *smiles*
Firiel: One thing you have to be careful of around here, there is a Nazgul steed here. He wanders around the city, eating the bushes. If you come outside, I want you to be wary of him if you see him, all right?

Ulalume: Kay. .....What's a Nazurgal?

Firiel: A Nazgul is a Ringwraith. A black rider of Sauron's. The steed is not evil, but he is large and somewhat clumsy. I just want you to watch out for him.

Ulalume: *has no idea what a Sauron is but is sounds scary* Ooooh. Kay.

Firiel: Good girl. *hugs her again*

Ulalume: *whispers loudly* Daddy? What's a Sauron?

Firiel: *gives him an apologetic glance*

Gorlim: *tense* He's... a very bad thing.

Ulalume: *blinks* Oh. So I guess his horse must be quiet?

Gorlim: Uhh... I don't think he has a horse.

Ulalume: but.....*confused* Than what's a Nazurgal?! *looks concerned*

Firiel: The Nazgul were sort of his slaves.

Gorlim: I'm... not sure. *looks at Firiel questioningly*

Firiel: He controlled them through the rings they wore on their fingers.

Ulalume: ......Ooooooooooh. That makes sense

Gorlim: It does? *looks at Ully*

Ulalume: Yeah, It's like a puppet
Ulalume: on horses

Gorlim: Oh...
Gorlim: Right...

Firiel: *nods* Some of them are still here, Ully, but I don't know if Sauron still controls them.

Ulalume: Do they have rings?

Firiel: I.... don't know. Things have changed since the old days.

Ulalume: I give up. *looks between them* Old people don't make sense *crosses arms and looks sulky*

Gorlim: *tugs Ully closer to him, instinctively protecting* Wait, wait. That wraith we fought... was one of THOSE??

Firiel: I would suspect so, Gorlim... *fingers Ully's hair* I'm sorry, dear. The world is different now, than what I remember.

Ulalume: *winces as his fingers dig into her shoulders*
Ulalume: Uh, I'll take your word for it

Gorlim: Oy... Fir, what did you manage to pilfer from the kitchens for us?

Ulalume: *claps* Food!
Ulalume: Daddy, I can't move

Gorlim: Sorry, luv. *lets go of her* Didn't realize I was... uh... yeah. *opens the basket and pulls stuff out, setting it on the grass*

Ulalume: *munches quietly on a hunk of bread and watches the adults*

Gorlim: *slices some cheese and an apple and eats them together*

Firiel: *sips water* How's Perrin? I don't see him much.

Gorlim: Yes... How IS your brother, Ully?

Ulalume: He's always reading some book about a dog. I thought it was a kid. Anyway, he's fine. He's realllllllllly smart *proud*

Firiel: *smiles* He *is* your brother.

Ulalume: So?

Firiel: So of course he is smart. *grins*

Gorlim: So! YOU'RE smart, little duck.

Ulalume: Oooooh. Not as smart as HE is. He can READ! He writes stuff on my pictures

Gorlim: Like what?

Firiel: You haven't seen her drawings, Gorlim? She's wonderful!

Gorlim: I've seen a few!

Ulalume: He writes who they're for
Ulalume: and my name

Firiel: You know, I don't think I've ever seen a finished picture of yours. Just what you're working on when I stop by. *smiles*

Ulalume: Really? They're not very good.
Ulalume: *Hands her a folded up piece of paper from her pocket. It, surprise, a tree* It's Dol Amroth. The mean one.

Firiel: Ahh, but if I've seen the rough copies, the finished ones have to be wonderful!

Gorlim: I'm sure they're quite grand...

Ulalume: Nope. They look like scribbles

Firiel: *opens the paper and looks from the drawing to the real tree* Ully.... this is so close to the actual tree... *shows Gorlim*

Gorlim: *stares at it* Ulalume, this is SPLENDID!

Ulalume: *stares at them like they're mad* Uh.
Ulalume: Thank you?

Firiel: *laughs and hugs her* Such a modest creature.

Gorlim: *smiles at her* Maybe it does look a wee bit scribbly, but you know what I see here? PROMISE. I see a steady, sure hand. One that someday may be able to draw the whole city so well no one will be able to sell the difference between
Gorlim: your sketches and looking out a window.

Ulalume: *looks confused and blushes* Daddy you have to say that. It's your JOB.

Firiel: I don't, and I completely agree. *smiles*

Ulalume: Anyway, I don't have motoring skills ..... or whatever they're called.

Firiel: That simply comes with practice.

Ulalume: *hugs them both* I have such a nice family

Firiel: *smiles and hugs her back, but releases her quickly, remembering her talk with Frey*

Gorlim: *nuzzles her*

Ulalume: *smiles and bops around*

Gorlim: *lies down on his stomach in the grass, wincing as his shirt rubs against Haldir's whip-wields, and watches her*

Ulalume: *pulls at Firi's hands* Let's dance Miss Firi

Firiel: *smiles and stands up* Would you like to lead, my dear?

Gorlim: *crosses his arms and rests his head on them, watching*

Ulalume: Not like THAT! Formal stuff is booooring. *dances around holding her hands*
Ulalume: Like THAT

Firiel: *chuckles and follows suit* How's that?

Ulalume: Just like that!

Firiel: *prances about, pulling and following Ully*

Gorlim: *watches them, his mind far, far away...*

Ulalume: *squeals happily before collapsing in a heap in front of Gorlim, eyes twinkling* Hallooooo!

Firiel: *leans against the tree, watching the two*

Gorlim: *a smile that does not QUITE reach his eyes* Hallo, gorgeous.

Ulalume: *pants slightly and sprawls out on the grass, stretching lazily*

Gorlim: I'd have liked to see you as a little girl...

Firiel: *keeping modesty, she pulls her skirts up a bit and hoists herself into the tree, sitting on a low branch, thinking she's spent far too much time with Theo*

Ulalume: So'd I. I kind of like being big.... but as long as I'm big I wish I could be growed up.
Ulalume: *hugs his knees*

Gorlim: Mmmm. *smiles at her, ignoring the stinging from the whip on his leg*

Ulalume: *is completely oblivious and stares up at Firiel* Miss Firi.... be careful.... Rohan's easy to fall out of

Firiel: *smiles down at her* I'll be fine. I've... had a little practice.

Ulalume: *looks nervous* Watch out for the hole near that branch..... cause I've tripped on it and it hurts

Gorlim: I didn't know you were the tree-climbing sort, Fir. *looks up at her*

Firiel: It's Theo's fault I am. I used to climb when I was a child, with my brothers, but now it's Theo's doing. *looks at Ully* I'll be careful.

Ulalume: Kaaaaaay. *smacks the tree*

Firiel: *holds onto the branch*

Ulalume: sorry. That was in case he tried to trip you

Firiel: He?

Gorlim: *runs his fingers through his daughter's hair*

Ulalume: The tree. Rohan.

Firiel: Oh, of course.

Ulalume: *kisses Gorlim's cheek and stares at the tree 'menacingly'*

Gorlim: *smiles, hugs her*

Ulalume: *gives up staring at the tree and begins tying tiny braids into Gorlim's hair*

Gorlim: *lies down in the grass and closes his eyes*

Ulalume: Pretty!

Gorlim: *dozes*

Ulalume: Miss Firi! Daddy's going to sleep! Let's go find horses to keep him from sleeping

Firiel: *climbs down* Dear, if your father is going to sleep, perhaps we should let him. I think he might be tired.

Ulalume: aaaaawww... Darn. Don't sleep in the grass, daddy. Sleep in your ROOM

Firiel: She's right, Gorlim. At least let me help you back to your room?

Gorlim: *blinks* Hmmm? Wha' for?

Firiel: You are falling asleep.

Ulalume: So you don't collapse inside?

Firiel: Come. Let's get you back to your room.

Gorlim: *smiles* I like sleeping outside! Grass is soft...

Ulalume: Rain is wet

Firiel: Are you sure, dear? You want to sleep outside? *worried*

Gorlim: *smiles* Firiel... Ulalume... I spent five years of my life sleeping outside. I grew... accustomed to it.

Ulalume: You did?

Gorlim: *smiles* I was an outcast warrior, my love.
Gorlim: An exile in my own land, fighting for our home and people!

Ulalume: Ooooh Sounds like stories
Ulalume: My daddy's in stories *says to no one in particular*

Firiel: *frowns* Gorlim... I just want you to be somewhere surrounded by people. In case you need anything.

Gorlim: I'll tell you all the stories you want later my pet. Right now... I'm sleepy. *lays his head down in the grass* What would I need, Fir?

Firiel: Anything. Help, perhaps. And with your ankle, you can't move anywhere very quickly.

Ulalume: *lays in front on him and kisses his nose* Please go inside daddy?

Gorlim: Oh, hell, if you're both that bloody determined, all right. I'll go sleep in the pantry if it makes you feel better.

Firiel: *shakes her head* In your bed, Gorlim. Come on. *takes his hand*

Ulalume: *rolls eyes and stands up*
Ulalume: *takes his other hand*

Gorlim: Oh, what's so grand about a bed? It isn't night and there are no women around with the mind to join me there!

Ulalume: *looks confused*

Firiel: Gorlim! *shakes her head and pulls him up* Come.

Gorlim: *smiles sleepily* I'm comin', I'm comin'...

Firiel: Do you need to lean on me?

Ulalume: *puts his arm around her shoulders as some form of support*

Gorlim: Naw! I'm not THAT pathetic, luvs. Really now.

Firiel: Gorlim, dear, please, just let us fuss over you a bit.

Ulalume: *pokes his ribs*
Ulalume: Yeah

Gorlim: *jumps as her poke hits the exact spot where the whip landed the night before and bites his lip* All right, all right. Bloody females...

Firiel: *frowns* Are you all right? *eyes slightly widened*

Gorlim: I'm FINE, Fir.

Ulalume: She's a female! I'm a girl.

Gorlim: *smiles and ruffles his daughter's hair*

Firiel: *looks at him warily* You are *not* fine. I can see it.

Ulalume: You're not?

Gorlim: All right, well, I was recently in a fight. My hand's busted, my ankle's twisted, and I've got a good number of bruises. I'll live.

Firiel: I saw you yesterday, Gorlim. You looked better then, than you do now.

Gorlim: Did I? Huh. Funny, that...

Ulalume: *looks at him worried* You're not ok?

Gorlim: I'm FINE, Ully.

Firiel: *stands in front of him and places a hand on his arm* Explain, Gorlim.

Gorlim: Explain what? I thought you two were going to let me go to sleep...

Firiel: No, you have to talk to me, now. What happened?

Gorlim: Nothing happened. *whines* I wanna go to sleeeep!

Ulalume: *Looks at the both of them* No one ever tells me ANYTHING.

Firiel: *looks at her* I'm sorry, Ully. I don't know what is wrong with your father. He won't talk to me.

Ulalume: Let him sleep. He'll be in a better mood.

Gorlim: *sighs* Thank you, Ulalume.

Firiel: *glares for less than a second* Fine. *sighs* Let's get you to bed, then.

Ulalume: *walks toward the quarters zigzaggily*

Gorlim: *gives Firi puppy eyes* You're mad because I don't want to make you worried or get other people in trouble.

Firiel: I just want you to talk to me. I'm always worried about you.

Ulalume: Me too! *pipes up*

Gorlim: It was just a bit of... retribution, you might say. I asked for it, Fir. So he gave it to me.

Firiel: *wide-eyed* Are you talking about Eomer?

Ulalume: *blinks quickly and quickly yelps* Forgot the picnic basket!
Ulalume: *runs off*

Gorlim: No, no, no. I haven't seen him since the fight.

Firiel: Then... who?

Gorlim: Haldir. *quickly* He didn't do anything permanent. You can barely see a mark, it just stinks a bit.

Firiel: *wide-eyed again* What did he do?

Gorlim: He's got good aim with a willow branch. *smiles*

Firiel: *touches his cheek hesitantly* Are you... are you all right? *still wide-eyed*

Gorlim: Yes, yes, it's FINE. It only stings. See, I'll even SHOW you. *lifts his shirt and points out a faint, barely perceptible streak of red on his side* See? Nothing at all. No worse than a stubbed tow or scraped knee.

Ulalume: *there's a crash as she drops the picnic basket*

Firiel: *bites her lip and helps Ully with the basket*

Ulalume: *shoves the basket at her and runs back to Rohan, crawling up it's branches*

Firiel: *looks at Ully and back to Gorlim* What now?

Gorlim: Oh god. *goes to the tree and looks up* Ulalume? What's wrong, love?

Ulalume: You got hurt and you came out here even though you were! You could've killed yourself! Go to bed. Now.

Gorlim: Ully! I'm not hurt BADLY.

Firiel: *watches from a distance, frowning*

Ulalume: You've got MARKS. And there was a branch. Go inside, Daddy! You need to sleep!

Gorlim: Ully, there's no way you could have seen the mark he made from that far away. Whatever you saw were old, old scars.

Ulalume: I was standing behind you, Daddy,

Gorlim: Never-the-less! *enunciating every syllable* Come down from there this instant, young lady, before I have to come up and get you.

Ulalume: *glowers from a lower branch*

Gorlim: Don't you look at me like that! What did I do?

Ulalume: If I come down, you go to sleep?
Ulalume: you lied to me

Gorlim: I promise I will go to sleep. How did I lie to you?

Ulalume: You said you were fine. *trips down and puts hands on hips*

Firiel: *sets the basket on the ground and sits next to it*

Ulalume: And now Miss Firi is waiting to take you inside. Go. I'm going to find the stables.

Gorlim: *sighs* I AM fine, little one. But... I'm sorry I didn't tell you what you wanted to know. Forgive me?

Ulalume: Fine. But no more fighting with Mr Eomer. It doesn't go good.

Gorlim: I won't fight with him anymore. I promise promise PROMISE.

Ulalume: Kay.
Ulalume: I'm going to the stables. You go inside and try to ignore mommy

Gorlim: All right. I will.

Firiel: *standing again* I'll be at the stables in a moment, Ully.

Ulalume: *waves* Alright!

Gorlim: *watches her go off to the stables*
Gorlim: *siiiigh* I need a nap. >.<

Firiel: *picks up the basket and takes his hand* I know. I'm sorry, I didn't think to wait until she'd left...

Gorlim: *squeezes her hand and walks towards the door* I know. It's all right. She'll have to learn I guess...

Firiel: *nods* Yes. .....Gorlim?

Gorlim: Yeah, Fir?

Firiel: *bites her lip and sighs* I think I... shouldn't spend so much time with the children.... I mean, now that you've decided to spend time with them.....

Gorlim: What? Where did you get an idea like that?

Firiel: *shakes her head* I just know I shouldn't be... Besides, they have their father now.

Gorlim: Firiel... please don't just go. I see no reason at all why you shouldn't be with them, and I may not be able to change all in an instant.

Firiel: I know, Gorlim. I know. I didn't mean I'm going to leave. I meant to say I'm going to slow down my visits with them... I... I'm not their mother, Gorlim.

Gorlim: Oh.... right. Of course.

Firiel: *squeezes her eyes shut* I'm sorry. I just... *shakes her head*

Gorlim: What?

Firiel: Nothing. I didn't mean to bring that up. I'm sorry. *sighs*

Gorlim: Firiiiiiii.

Firiel: Yes?

Gorlim: What is iiiiit?

Firiel: Nothing. Just.... their mother, this whole conversation.... >.<

Gorlim: Fir. What's bothering you about this? Really. *stops and puts his hands on her shoulders*

Firiel: I just... I'm getting too attached to them. I can't let myself do that. I am not their mother. They have their father back. I'm not needed any more.

Gorlim: Firiel! You are ALWAYS needed. Would you like to be their aunt? *smiles* I could tell them that. You're their aunt Firiel.

Firiel: You know I will not always be here in Gondor, right? I don't want you to depend on me and then not have me here to help you.

Gorlim: I know. Of course I know. You have to leave. I know that. But I don't want you to tear yourself away just because you think... I don't know what you think. But you're one of my best friends, Fir. Of COURSE I want my kids to like you

Gorlim: unless you don't want to be bothered by them.

Firiel: No! No, Gorlim, that's not it at all! If I didn't want to be bothered by them, I wouldn't spend time with them. I know they like me, at least Ully does, but I don't want them to depend on me when I can't be there for them.

Gorlim: *furrows his brows, not sure what to say to that*

Firiel: *shakes her head* I'm sorry. I just thought I could ask you what to do about that...

Gorlim: I don't think they depend on you... do they?

Firiel: I don't know.... I just don't want that possibility... Hence, why I shouldn't get too close...

Gorlim: They're strong kids, Fir. I don't see them depending on anything or anyone like that.

Firiel: All right. But... I'm afraid to get too close, Gorlim.

Gorlim: Don't be. *links his arm in hers* Nothing good comes of holding back. Ever.

Firiel: But there can be disappointment and pain otherwise.

Gorlim: Fir... you're really getting too worried about this. They're kids. They'll adapt. They'll miss you when you leave, just like I will, but it won't destroy them.

Firiel: *closes her eyes* I know. They're children. They'll be fine. *sighs and keeps from saying anything more* I'm sorry. Let's get you to bed.

Gorlim: *smiles* It'll be all right, Fir. You'll see. It will. *leans his head against her shoulder as they walk*
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