Apr 11, 2011 19:58
I seriously don't do this enough, A) because I have no interwebs and B) all the interesting stuff that happens in my life is depressing.
Does anyone really care that I'm single? Or that I was morbidly depressed for like 2 weeks? I also had to move out of my old apartment, into a new one, alone...and let's face it, my cat doesn't always keep me company. I could sit and complain about my friends, but they have lives too and I'm just uninteresting. I don't want a roommate, although affording this place solo is hard - and so I took the manager's job at my work (which I hate) only because the pay is FANTABULOUS and now I work full time.
But on the bright side...I met someone :)
I know, after 2 years, only been a month now that I've been single and already, someone new... sigh.
Well, that's me in a nutshell.
Anyone else care to raise their hand at the AA meeting?