Costume College and other silly travels

Jul 16, 2009 21:59

So there’s zero chance that the bustle dress will be done for Costume College, although I still have some hope of getting it ready for DragonCon.

I was lamenting not having anything to wear at all (since most of my historical stuff is way too bulky to travel), when I had a flash of inspiration in the car last night. I’m not sure I’ll go through with it, but I bought some supplies here in Chicago. If you want to know, post and I’ll let you know.

Speaking of Chicago, I realized today that I do miss living here. I’m not sure if it’s Chicago itself, or just life in the big city. I love the energy, the shopping, the whole environment. I drove around a lot while doing some errands/shopping. It’s a bit odd, but I love the flow of things or people in the city, at least when everyone knows what they are doing and everyone behaves. Bikers, pedestrians, buses, cars - I can see how it scares or frustrates people but oddly I don’t mind it, probably because I don’t have to deal with it all that much. Again strange, but actually I like being part of the mass of people and energy, part of the flow. I just find it reassuring or comforting, similar to what I feel when visiting the ocean or other large natural wonder. It’s nice to know that there are larger things out there. Maybe because I’m such a loner most of the time, I just need to re-connect with ‘life’ in general on a large scale, and being in the city can do that for me. Ok, I’m not making sense, so moving on.

After a while I parked the car in the garage. I didn’t catch a cab right away so I ended up walking back toward the hotel when it started raining. I took shelter in a doorway (actually just a side door for one of the theaters) and just watched people navigating their way down the street. Old people, young people, rich people, poor people, singles, families, students, Hispanics, hayseeds, people jogging in the rain, others huddling merrily under umbrellas, most everyone moving but a few dodging gutter spray while waiting for a bus. Cars and busses and cabs and people on bikes. Smatters of different languages and fashions. Most people walk along in their own world, but some smile at you, even in the rain. And then another of my favorite things about cities: I found a new store. After the rain let up I headed back toward the hotel I was tempted by a big display of cheese and bread - the good kinds. I got a crash course in all sorts of aged cheese, complete with samples. I really don’t know what I bought, but I got a soft cheese for me to munch on here at the hotel, a good hard stinky cheese for mom (I forgot what kind), and a yummy cheddar. Spent way way too much money, but I was feeling indulgent. Oh well, basically a beautiful night in the city, even with the rain. On a related note, the walk to the hotel was probably the most exercise I’ve done since Faire. Not good.

This is not to say that I regret moving away. Far from it. And probably moving away makes me appreciate it more :)

So I’m here just relaxing, but I think I’ll do some research on something to do tomorrow on the way to the Detroit area. I feel like I should use the car and my time to do something. Who knows.
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