As this is the first fanmix I've ever personally compiled for this list, I ask you to please be kind and also leave feedback. More than half the tracks have been altered [i.e. improved] in some form or another. I feel it vastly improves fanmix quality if they contain some sort of audio continuity-just like an actual LP-rather than just being a whole bunch of random songs cobbled together on a list.
Doctor Who: Anything but Average Fanmix by DJ Rae Chaos/ladyfawkes
Cover Art Link:
Anything But Average Approx. running time: 62 minutes.
All tracks are available for streaming on my embedded nerdfighters player below. Explanation and track notes accompany the tracklist in this blog.
Big, huge thank-yous go out to
coricurbob for helping me actually host and post these songs in downloadable format. Couldn't have done it without ya!
Anything But Average - Doctor Who Fanmix ~ Created by DJ Rae Chaos 1)
Ultimate Doctor Who Title Mix [Supersonic Version] by Reverse The Polarity
~ [
Reverse The Polarity Films]
Supermassive Black Hole by Muse ~ Inspired by the episodes “The Impossible Planet” and “The Satan Pit”
Find the Colour by Feeder
~ Inspired by Doctor/Companion relationships
Weird Science [Gallifrey Remix] by Oingo Boingo
~ Ripped from
this brilliant fanvid mashup
All These Things That I've Done by The Killers
~ Inspired by the Companion-Family scenes in Journey's End
No Ordinary Love by Deftones
~ basically describes any 'ship in the Doctor Whoniverse
Dancing Queen [Uptempo Edit] by ABBA
~ Inspired by both Simm!Master dancing scenes and scenes which include the Doctor's vast and eclectic musical repertoire onboard the TARDIS
City of Delusion [Time Lord Remix] by Muse
~ Inspired by all dystopic and apocryphal episodes, specifically:
~ The End of the World
~ The Long Game
~ The Doctor Dances
~ The Runaway Bride
~ New Earth
~ School Reunion
~ The Age of Steel
~ The Idiot's Lantern
~ The Satan Pit
~ Army of Ghosts
~ Gridlock
~ Evolution of the Daleks
~ Partners in Crime
~ The Fires of Pompeii
~ Planet of the Ood
~ The Doctor's Daughter
~ Forest of the Dead
~ Turn Left
~ Journey's End
Periodic Table Song [Professor John Smith Edit] by Tom Lehrer
~ Inspired by scenes with the Doctor in any sort of education-system capacity, past or present
Tainted Love [Cover] by Marilyn Manson
~ Inspired by unholy alliances in the Whoniverse, especially those involving the Master
Telephone Line [Frequent Flyer Privilege] by Electric Light Orchestra
~ Inspired by the main guest star's character obsession of ELO in the episode, “Love and Monsters”. Quite possibly the only good thing out of that entire steaming pile of crap.
~ Inspired by NuWho Doctor's version of 'universal roaming' as well.
When You're Evil [Uber Edit] by Voltaire
The Master. 'Nuff said.
Whodoo [Joan's Lament Mix] by Muse feat. DJ Rae Chaos
~ Inspired by the John Smith and Joan Redford love story in Human Nature/Family of Blood
~ Those eps contained arguably the best supporting guest cast in the whole of series 3
~ Joan's vocals have slightly altered lyrics to reflect the song from her point-of-view in conjunction with Prof. Smith
~ Rest in peace, Joan and John.
A Glorious Day by Embrace
~ Inspired by Doctor/Donna. As Journey's End completed on an abysmally depressing note, I felt compelled to put at least a little spark of light and hope into the lives of Donna and the Doctor. They both got so cheated by the end of Series 4.
~ This song can conversely reflect the DW/River 'ship, as well as DW/Martha and DW/Rose.
Tracks 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 are all mixed, enhanced, and/or re-edited from their original versions by DJ Rae Chaos/Lady Fawkes. You will not find these edits anywhere else on or off the internet.
Track 7 seems to have Muse cover art stuck in the super-tagging, despite all I've done to try and remove it. Sorry.
Tracks 1 and 4 originated with other fan artists whose vids you can find on youtube. I do not own copyright to any of these songs, I am merely an obsessed fan who loves music, mixing, and Doctor Who.