Sep 28, 2004 01:50
The one constant in life is change. The world is forever in perpetual motion. By being able to adapt, it ensures survival. I have become very good at survival. I have learned not to always fight change so much but at times rather flow with it. We at times try to fight the currents of our lives when we should merely enjoy the ride. However, I do not believe that we are all victims of circumstances. We are not at the mercy of "the hand nature has dealt to us," nor are we forced to live a life that we do not find fulfilling. Our lives are shaped not by the way things are but by the way we think things are. Through how we speak, think and our attitudes, we can impact anything in our life that is not in service to our path. You can either adapt and adjust or move on. I have seen many people who cannot adapt to change very well but instead cling to old ideas even when someone can point out to them why something is a better way of doing it. Life is all about choices.
As I have posted before, what many people refuse to understand is that - "Insanity is repeating the same patterns and expecting a different outcome."
They need to learn that they:
Chose where to be.
Chose how to act.
Chose what to say.
Chose what to do.
Chose whom to be with.
Chose what to concentrate on.
Chose what to believe.
Chose when to go along.
Chose when to resist.
Chose whom to trust.
Chose whom to avoid.
Chose what to say to themselves about:
* Themselves
* Others
* Risks
* Needs
* Rights
"We stand at the crossroads, each minute, each hour, each day, making choices. We choose the thoughts we allow ourselves to think, the passions we allow ourselves to feel, and the actions we allow ourselves to perform. Each choice is made in the context of whatever value system we've selected to govern our lives. In selecting that value system, we are, in a very real way, making the most important choice we will ever make." - Benjamin Franklin, The Art of Virtue (compiled and edited by George Rogers)