This is where I come to write my EMO posts

Oct 19, 2010 12:39

I feel like a loser today. I feel like I am not good enough at anything I do and that I just squeak by with mediocre work. I don't feel like anyone wants to work with me. I had 1 shoot scheduled this week and she cancelled. Otherwise, I have nothing lined up for quite awhile...and I still have a studio to pay for. I have to seek out people to work with me and never get people seeking me out. Half the time, I feel overwhelmed with what I don't know and I feel insecure and defeated. I never have the time to devote to what I want, but have to use my time on things that I could care less about. My confidence is diminishing and I need to figure out how to boost it because I am contemplating quitting my photo biz and only keeping it as a casual hobby.

Maybe its just PMS, but I am really hurting today...I feel angry and sad and defeated.
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