I'm so tired. During my break in classes, mum picked me up. We got coffee, food, got one of my textbooks, and hit a store. Then she dropped me off, I made copies of some music for someone (I love the UF music library) and then class. Then work. Then shopping. I got patterns of faireish stuff. Simplicity is on sale, 5 for $5 this weekend. In G'ville anyway. I also got food for my apt.
Speaking of which, I just had one of the best dinners I've had in a long time, with the exception of home cooked meals (cooked by someone other than me). I had salad with a bit of sliced turkey and cheese in it, and for dessert, about half of a small fruit salad from publix.
I no longer crave the fruit popsicles in my freezer. I wasn't hungry after the salad, but I craved sweetness/fruit. And in that little bit of fruit, I was satisfied! yay! I would so give up chocolate if I could have an unending supply of fresh fruit.
It was nice spending the time with mum today. It still suprises me sometimes how nice it can be to spend time with her given how much we used to fight. Yay! Who says mommies can't be friends?
Actually, I was thinking. When kids are young, it's difficult for a parent to be parent and friend to a child. However as the child grows into a young adult and becomes more independent, it becomes easier to be both, so long as the parent side is still around when needed for parenting and advice and guidance that a friend couldn't provide. Much like when children are young, the world can be seen in black and white. Good or bad. Yes or no. And as they get older, those lines blur until everything is in shades of grey.
I guess alot of lines blur as you get older.
*Sigh* I just got really tired, and semi-depressed feeling. Though not. I think. I should run through my song once, and crash. I have to be on my way to SFCC in 8 hours. Latah all!
Your Passion is Gray
Your sexual attitude is best described as apathetic.
Often joking that you're asexual, you can go months without getting any.
For you, great sex does not make or break a relationship.
If it happens, it's just the icing on the cake.
What Color Is Your Passion?