Jun 25, 2006 21:36
Some days I just feel like walking. Leaving. Dissappearing. Packing up a few things, jumping in my car, driving until I feel like stopping, and starting a new life.
And I don't know why. I have a great life here. Personal crap aside. I'm set here. Set to learn. To grow into whoever I'll be. I have mommy and daddy close enough to go home crying to, but I don't live with them. I have a new job working with kids, which I've always wanted to. I have Ted and BHS, where I can gain experience in the classroom. Ted, Tiza, and Thieves' Guilde for my stage combat training. Friends. I have Acting. History. My familiarity with the area. A job. Family. Why do I have this little bit of wanderlust? More than wanderlust. Wanderlust is my desire to travel, but come home. I don't know what you would call this.
And I feel so lost.