Mar 23, 2005 23:45
1 Full name: Samantha Rae Hyde
2 Date and place of birth: 12/27/85, Tooele, UT
3 Height: 5'3"
4 Colour of eyes: brownish-black
5 Family: *raises an eyebrow* What exactly am I supposed to answer here.
6 Status: Single baby!
7 Pets: 4 kikis and a dog - Kiki. *cough*
8 Distinguishing marks: ...nothing?
9 Favourite pop band: I'm gonna have to go with Lillix - I know they're not "supposed" to be pop, but they're pretty Britney-esque.
10 Favourite band with instruments: Chevelle, I guess.
11 Favourite song: Wow, no such thing.
12 What was the first poster you put on your wall? Technically, probably something really "mom-put-that-there", but, I'm gonna have to go with TeenBeat pictures. Yea, I was one of them.
13 First memory: Im sure theres something farther back, but as of now (being midnight), a car crash when I was like 3 or 4 and being sprawled out on the lawn waiting for the ambulance.
14 First record you bought: HANSON!
15 Favourite cartoon character: TOTALLY Superwoman!
16 Favourite catchphrase: "Eh, c'est la vie!"
17 Teacher you had a crush on: none?
18 Favourite body part: Im gonna have to go with my eyes - only for the sake of being able to totally manipulate the way they look with make up.
19 Favourite part of the opposite sex: Easy, arms and eyes.
20 What disappoints you most about the opposite sex? Lack of maturity.
21 If you could pass a new law what would it be? ...I need to think of something REALLY good to put here, let me get back to ya.
22 Were you cool at school? I was cool to the people who mattered.
23 Most snogs in one night: HAH! SNOGS! A lot.
24 What makes you laugh? Adam Sandler, my family/friends and stupid people.
25 What makes you cry? Not alot...being REALLY angry.
26 Favourite pizza topping: Pineapple! Mmmm.
27 Favourite sandwich filling: All veggies.
28 Secret ambition: To be a starving artist who is completely happy in life - minus the starving. ^_~
29 Ever broken the law? Yes. hah.
30 Whats the most youve spent on an item of clothing? I'll have to go with $80, but I dont remember/
31 Who could you have in a fight? in who could I beat? No one, Im a total wuss.
32 What would you ban? HAH! What is this?
33 Whats your idea of happiness? Friends and family.
34 Greatest fear: Not striving to reach my full potential.
35 Greatest extravagance: My car.
36 How would you like to die? Happy.
37 What is your motto? heh heh, can I use "C'est la vie!" again!?
38 Favourite journey: The drive to Portland - I love it every time.
39 Who is the love of your life? As of now my car - which IS my life considering I WORK to have the car, and have the car to get to and from work. *cough*
40 What would you change about yourself? My procrastination (sorry Ray, this was going to get done like 2 weeks ago! hah hah)
41 What qualities do you most value in a friend? Open-mindedness and compassion.
42 If you could come back from the dead what would you be? A bird.
43 Whats under your bed? Nothing that I know of.
44 Most treasured possession(s): Photos.
45 Quote a line of poetry:
But if you ever come to a road where danger
Or guilt or anguish or shame's to share.
Be good to the lad who loves you true,
And the soul that was born to die for you
And whistle and I'll be there.
-A. E. Housman
46 Do you own patterned socks? YES!
47 Do you believe in aliens? Yes.
48 Are you a driver or a map-reader? TOTAL driver.
49 What are you obsessed with? creativity.
50 Favourite smell: Anything tropical.
51 DELETED (don’t know what happened there)
52 Favourite breed of dog: I dont really have a preference.
53 Whats the last thing you laughed at? Myself, trying to carry 12 pairs of shoes and some clothes up the stairs.
54 Favourite mountain range: *raises an eyebrow* The Cascades?
55 Colour of curtains: The ones I have now? Kind of khaki-ish.
56 When did you last cry? UM! Last night, at the end of "Fat Albert"! (WHICH, was way better than I thought it was going to be!)
57 I've always wanted to: Go on a REAL road trip. OR, goto Europe.
58 Last thing I cooked was: BBQ chicken and Potato salad last night.
59 Fave word beginning with Q: Quintessence. Which means the best of everything. Pure, perfect, and true. As in Zen beauty, peak experience. Heaven on Earth. Beyond words...
60 Least favourite group: Im gonna have to go wiiiiith G-Unit. *cringes* Please don't hate me.
61 Number of school detentions: One, in 8th grade for chewing gum in Choir.
62 What do you think about most often? My future.
63 What book are you reading? Ugh, I really should be reading one.
64 Whats the best present youve ever been given? Art supplies as a little kid.
65 What would you die if anyone knew? ...die? or dye? Im not sure Im reading it right...???
66 Favourite expression: OOOKAY! SO I guess this falls back on numbers 16 and 37 again?
67 Least fave household chore: Scrubbing the toilet.
68 What colour underwear are you wearing? Bllluuuue.
69 What shampoo do you use? Avons Advanced Techniques - Straight and Sleek.
70 Favourite sweet: Jamba Juice.
71 If curiosity killed the cat, what happened to the dog? His name was Curiosity.
72 Favourite Disney film: Pocahontas.
73 Favourite place: Mmmm. My bed!
74 Whats the best advice youve ever been given? "When life tosses you a couple lemons, add 'em to your tea and move on!"
75 Favourite thing about where you live: The parks.
76 Favourite movie: "The Notebook"
77 Favourite film star: Adam Sandler.
78 Male or female company? Meh, I have good friends in both areas - it all works out aight.
79 What sport are you best at? It used to be basketball, but I havent played since like Freshman year.
80 Whats the best room in your house? *grins* Totally my bedroom.
82 What are the worst lyrics youve ever heard? "When you see me on the street, shorty youdonknowme" (repeat 400 times, until the music runs out and toss the name T.I. in there a couple times to add a little FLARE! ...dumbass)
83 Who is your hero? My parents.
84 Nickname: We'll just stick with Sammi. hah hah.
85 Star sign: Capricorn.
86 Favourite colour: Pink!
87 In trouble at school for: Talking too much or doodling.
88 Turn-ons: Sense of humor, depth, smile.
89 Favourite sport to watch: None, really.
90 Favourite sport to play: Basketball.
91 Worst moment at school: Drama.
92 Favourite possession: OKAY! Seriously feel like Im repeating myself.
93 Best moment at school: Graduation.
94 Favourite solo artist: hm...
95 Worst subject at school: Math.
96 Where do you buy your clothes? Hah hah, lately Old Navy *raises an eyebrow* for no particular reason. But in general, anywhere I see something cute.
97 What was the latest message you sent? "You smell funny!" (to my little sister)
98 Who is your best friend? Not to hurt anyones feelers, but I dont really have one - but I DO love you all! ^_~
99 What kind of food do you like? The good kind..??
100 Favourite holiday destination: Hawaii! I WILL go there for the Holidays one day! =)
101 What is your favourite drink? Water, iced tea, jamba juice...blah blah.
102 How do you relax? Sleep!