Nov 19, 2020 18:57
For unexpected friends that will be in my life forever.
For inspiration to create, to believe, to share with others something or ourselves.
For all the might-have-beens
For embracing us, welcoming us, enjoying us, appreciating us
For Charlie
For grown-up Becky
For S10E5: “Fan Fiction”
For every joke, every tear, every gasp, every shriek, every “hell yeah”
For the gifs and the memes
For the Single Man Tear
Because of you, I found myself
Because of you, I have a community that will always embrace me
Because of you, I found my voice, my creative soul
You gave us Ellen and Jo
You gave us Dr. Badass and Bobby
You gave us Crowley and Rowena
You gave us Michael and Lucifer
You gave us Abbadon and Amara
You gave us Kevin and Benny
You gave us Alastair and Death
You gave us angels that did more than play harps, and demons who were more than just monsters
You gave us the open road, and classic rock, and ways to fight the things we fear in the dark
You gave us Castiel
You gave us Gabriel
You gave us Sam
You gave us Dean
So let the curtain finally go down, and the Impala fall silent. Let the strains of Kansas fade away, and the actors find other roles to inhabit.
The future is ours: through rewatches, and fanfiction. Through conventions and conversation. We will never stop singing when we hear those first notes, never not look when we see a black classic pass us on the road. When we find a cold patch, we will reach for the salt, and when we find candy wrappers in corners, we will look for our karma to come calling. We will dance in elevators to “Walking on Sunshine”, and wear flannel under our Carhartts, and remember the French word for twelve.
There may be peace when you are done. But we, your wayward fans…
We will always carry on.
what is life,
supernatural series finale,
meta meta meta,
spn episode reaction,
team free love,