A Fond Farewell..or Smallville you made Saturdays fun

Jun 10, 2012 23:25

So I started writing this post on Septmeber 26th. Probably the episode with Connor Kent as I had this quote:

“Are you trying to tell me Connor is the genetic love child of Lex Luthor and Clark Kent?”

And apparently I had this important thing to say:

Here Lois Lane acts like Batman. She’s questioning Connor’s motives. Can he be trusted? He’s part Luthor, doesn’t that make him inherently evil? I really wish Bruce Wayne could have been in Smallville. I think that would have made for some amazing stuff. And if it had been appalling like Smallville occasionally could be, well, at least I would have had the laughs.

Tonight I finally watched the season finale of Smallville. I know, I know it been AGES since the season finale but I only watched it now. The thing about Smallville is the pure enjoyment I got from watching it with others. Maybe just so I could be pretentious and sigh heavily and say, “that is SO not canon.” But I do think it is best watched with someone else to laugh at the cheesiness and to discuss the comics and the generally bad scripts but the wonderfully brilliant moments that occasionally dotted the episode. Anyhow, because I was watching the last half of the season alone I’ve been watching it slowly (with the occasional email back home that went: YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE WHAT THEY DID ON SMALLVILLE THIS WEEK! GAH BUT SPOILERS) and didn’t really want to watch the finale. But now I have and it’s over. Good-bye ten (wonderful) years of my life: catching the odd episode on YTV, driving 20 minutes on a highway in New Jersey so we could watch the whole season in a week and not play the extra dollar to the library to rent it for a second (high on Timmy’s coffee), super gluing the dvds (retrospect: that was DUMB)  watching it in basements, watching it on beds in small apartments in Korea. It’s been fun Smallville!

Some finale thoughts in no particular order. There are SPOILERS (is this needed this late in the game?).

- “You and I will both be great men, because of each other. You and I have a destiny, Clark. Only on different sides.” I’m not sure I have ever loved Lex more than I did this episode. Smallville’s Lex will always be my Lex. He’s the most human. I loved him. I loved his relationship with Clark. I wanted him to be saved and yet I didn’t want him to be saved because he *is* the villain of the story and that’s why I loved him so.

-Oh Tess. You were love-hate for me. You didn’t deserve that.

-Lex’s loss of memories: BRILLAINT. Lex as president: SQUEE. Lex in white suit: CONTINUITY WIN. So much Lex love.

-CHLOE SULLIVAN DOESN’T DIE. This might have been mildly disappointing for me. However, my vehement hate for her has seemed to have waned slightly.

-You know I’m not sure how I felt about Chloe reading a Smallville comic. The whole comic-in-a-comic narrative device has never really done it for me.

-OMG they played John Williams Superman theme during the last half of the episode. AMAZING.

-Superman saving Air Force One..nice.

-Oh, was that SPEEDY? (Okay, Smallville wiki helped me with this one.) Awwww, he was so darn cute.

-Green Arrow. He tried so hard be the Batman to Clark’s Superman (and since as a superhero he is a carbon copy of Bruce Wayne it works anyway) but I think a Batman cameo would have been nice. But I’ll take your mention of Gotham City, Smallville

-That being said. Green Arrow so SMEXY! Could a man be more smexy….I don’t know. (Another LJ vote perhaps?)

So on a whole I appreciated Smallville’s nods to the canon and how it branched out a did its own thing. Yes, at time the episodes were lame. Freak a week was, well, a freak a week. However, it was what it was and for what it was it was wonderful.  (too many wases?)

We’ll it’s been fun Smallville. Catch you later on dvd^^


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