Nov 01, 2011 23:44
This post is mostly an obligatory post. I feel like LJ posts and NaNoWriMo go together like peanut butter and jelly. You can't have one without the other. Well, you can, obviously, that's the beautify of my analogy. You can have a NaNo account and/or a LJ account. Like you can have peanut butter and/or jelly. Amazing what people can just write in their blogs and pass it off as profound. Like vomiting up words, really. Or a million monkeys on a million type writers...well, you know the analogy. Shakespeare and all that.
Anyhow I just finished 1,850 on my latest NaNo attempt and I'm not really feeling anything for it. Not a desire to continue writing, like sometimes felt for NLs, nor deep seated attachment. I don't really have a plot yet. Or a real character. She doesn't have a name yet, either, just the stand in name of Gwen. Gwen Williams. I wanted to say Gwen Cooper and for the longest time couldn't quite place why it was familiar, only knowing it was an actual character elsewhere in the cosmos.
So yes. NaNo. Joy of joys. Maybe I'll win this year, but it ain't high on my priorities.