I think my mun's just tryin' to be cool.

Jan 11, 2003 23:39

I can have IM conversations with fellow Emilypuppets. See:

MamaElwing: YOU!!!!!!!!@!!#!!!!111
maglorzzz: o.o
MamaElwing: HOW are my grannndbabies?
maglorzzz: Butch and Priscilla are fine. Very quiet.
MamaElwing: Aah aah aah!!!!
maglorzzz: ...eh?
MamaElwing: That... is good.
maglorzzz: .... :)
MamaElwing: :]
MamaElwing: Eärendil says hi.
maglorzzz: Hi hi. :)
MamaElwing: How is zee void?
maglorzzz: ...voidy.
maglorzzz: Boring.
maglorzzz: You guys still in Mandos?
MamaElwing: Yup yup. I are General Manager of Las Chicas Muertas XD
maglorzzz: cool. :)
maglorzzz: umm
maglorzzz: I have to go now Maedhros is saying stuff...
maglorzzz: bye!
maglorzzz signed off at 11:34:32 PM.

Also updated my userinfo. Lots of pictures.
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