More like excited squeaking. I'm starting to understand the kind of stress that comes with organizing fannish events (though it probably doesn't compare to something like B2MeM) because I helped organize one, and I'm really, really excited.
Backstory department: A while ago the tumblr-based part of the Silm fandom started on an "appreciation week" craze, paradoxically enough appreciating mostly the characters who are fan favourites anyway, and dropping less-explored characters out of the spotlight (which in itself may be a sort of extension of the tumblr fannish hivemind, I suppose, often pushing for sameness in interpretations rather than diversity, which is giving me a case of the grumps anyway), so
ludovica and I decided to be creatively contrary and focus on the characters who get swept under the rug anyway, and for more than a week, too. So
Legendarium Ladies April was born, and now that we're getting closer to the starting point I'm pretty much buzzing around like a bumblebee.
Prompts are all organized and just need posting on the respective days, the reception of our promo posts has been overwhelmingly positive and supportive, two BNFs heard about the event and did promos of their own so now there are far more followers than I ever expected there would be (the fandom overwhelmingly seems like a swimming pool full of noodle soup and I've gotten a little jaded in that respect) someone made bingo cards, people have even been asking if it was okay to post femslash, and -- I'm just about ready to explode in that cloud of squee and glitter.
Of course it also means I've fallen behind on reading and reviewing for B2MeM, but now that most everything is settled, I'll try to get back into that this afternoon.
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