Fandom Snowflake Challenge, Day Thirteen

Jan 13, 2014 17:24

It's been almost two weeks already? Wow.

In your own space, talk about setting yourself a fannish goal. Big or small, it doesn't matter. Some great examples include: complete a bingo, sign-up for a Big Bang, write that fic you've been thinking about for years, podfic that story that you love, make a fanmix for your fandom, post that bit of meta or reclist you keep postponing. Maybe resolve to be better at leaving feedback, or answering comments.

* I'll be stealing this one from Indy - get better at leaving comments and reviews. I read a lot, and comment very little for a number of reasons - either not having anything worthwhile to say (or feeling like I don't, even when "I liked this" is usually still welcome), saying something "wrong", coming across as stupid and/or repetitive, being unwelcome, or, if none of my insecurity issues hit, being just plain lazy or distracted. I have left 98 comments on my home archive in almost seven year, and that is a disgrace. So, because goals or pledges work better for me with definite statements, I'm going to double that amount on SWG this year, and try to carry it over to AO3 (I don't think they offer having-reviewed stats, so can't say anything for certain there except that's likewise been too little).

* I mentioned this in yesterday's post - get my longfics polished and posted.

* Make my
inkingitout goal of writing 150,000 words this year. There are plenty of exchanges and events that I was comfortable playing in last year finally (it's been a milestone for me in terms of putting myself out there fannishly, finally, even though I'm still too shy to tackle Yuletide - all the BNFs play there, and that's writing I can neither hope to match nor deserve to receive) so that may just work out!

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