Oct 04, 2005 16:05
Okay, so I have to edit three more biology papers, but I love editing papers, so no problem with that homework. I also have to finish a few more questions on my chem lab, but Jessie says she'll help me out with those, so no problems there either. I also have to study for my chem exam *cringes* but Jessie and I are gonna go to the library and work on that too. Then I need to finish Fast Food Nation, but it's so disturbing by this point that I'm still reading out of a twisted, sick sense of fascination. It's like reading about the Holocaust, it's vile but you can't stop reading it. Eurgh.
Yah, I really don't actually feel overwhelmed for a change. Then I'll have to rewrite my bio paper over the weekend, and I'll have to finish up my 2nd and final English paper, but those I plan to finish before Saturday so that nothing interferes with my precious few hours with my dearest (darlingest? :P) friend and my sister. So that's about what I'm up too. :)
Oh and did I mention that I KICKED ASS on my last English paper, worth 25% of my grade? Yeah, it compared "Woman At Point Zero" to "Wicked". Needless to say it was slightly tilted in the Elphie direction, but here's what my professor said:
"Rachael: My expectations were very high for this paper - you had very much whetted my appetite - and you delivered: this is a sensitive, keenly insightful comparison of the two texts. I was particularly taken by your account of one of the striking differences between the two women's stories, Elphaba's burden of guilt. Indeed, the relationship between guilt, storytelling, and forgiveness that you outline intrigues me, since it suggests that guilt can be a powerful motive for storytelling (and thus, literature) and that storytelling can somehow expiate guilt or at least secure a measure of forgiveness. Great stuff. That, and your writing is a pleasure to read: it is fluid and - whether you know it or not - it has style. Thanks for doing such a nice job with this assignment.
Grade: A"
*is very pleased with Mrs Bahr Casey training*