Disclaimer: I worship at the altar of Marvel Comics. Captain America was created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby. I don't own him (though I'd like to bring him home with me), nor am I making any profit from this (unless you count having fun!).
This is a short and simple PG-ish character sketch.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Those words were written by slave owners.
I’m not naïve. I know what I am.
They could have chosen a Jew for the serum. Think about the poetic justice in that. Instead, little Steve Rogers was transformed into Captain America-tall, strong, blonde and blue-eyed. I was a message, because even then the United States was not about freedom, but about superiority:
The Aryan ideal was American, not German.
But at least then we knew what we were fighting. These days, I’m a man out of time. Nobody knows what justice means any more. Maybe nobody cares. Evil no longer exists, only different cultures and different points of view.
The modern West decries the practice of female circumcision. But here, today, in the land of freedom and justice for all, a woman can walk into a clinic and “terminate” her child. And her friends will call her brave.
Am I the only man who knows what he’s fighting for?
I know who I am. I just don’t know who you are anymore.