Title: Backstage
Author: Ladye Black
Pairing: Kyusung (KyuhyunxYesung)
Rating: NC-17
Genre: PWP
Length: ~900
Summary: After singing the acoustic version of ‘Bonamana’ with Yesung, Donghae, Sungmin, and Ryeowook; Kyuhyun corners Yesung in their dressing room.
A/N: I’m new to the fandom, so please forgive any errors or inconsistencies in how they address
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A few things--
"Ready?” He asked - I feel like the "He" should be in lowercase, not capitalized. Probably a typo, considering that's the only time you made the mistake :)
I suggest against using "the other man"/"the shorter man"/"the younger man." It gives for too much thinking and reading. While thinking and reading aren't necessarily bad things, it skews, if only a little bit, the ability to communicate with the reader. There's nothing wrong with "Kyuhyun", "Yesung," or "he." Using epithets such as "the other/shorter/younger" start to sound like you're trying to find another pronoun when, you know, "he" or "Kyuhyun/Yesung" are perfectly fine to use :) If it's confusion with the characters since they're the same gender, try to take it from a different angle instead of from the characters then. Just don't use epithets!
Ack, I didn't mean to make this sound so critical, ahaha. They're both sexy beasts, as always. Kudos to you! ♥
And that "HE" should totally be lowercase. That will get fixed then...as for the other, I will take your comments into consideration should I write more like this, but I probably won't fix that bit up too much, haha...XD
Again, thank you so much! Your comments were extremely helpful! ^_^
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