Cutie with a booty [One-shot]

Feb 08, 2008 13:58

Title: Cutie with a booty
Length: One-shot
Author: LadyDusk_Raku
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Humor, Crackish, Romance
Pairings: Jaeho, Yoosu, Henry/Changmin/Keita
Summary: Yoochun has seen the love of his life. Unfortunately, it was while he was plastered at a nightclub and all he remembers is a name to go with a shapely body. What will he do without his well rear-end endowed angel? He has to go on a stalk--searching quest to track down his love. Will his friends help him?

<< Part One

::Part Two::

“I think this is a complete waste of time.”


“Me too, can we go home, Min?”

“We can’t, hyung told us to keep an eye on lover boy here during our search.”

“Why isn’t he here?”


“I told you, he said he had something important to do. His birthday is tomorrow, remember?”

“Oh and Yunho gets a free pass just because his boyfriend does? Unfair.”




“We’ve all sort of taken turns. I promise we wont stay here another hour.”

“We’ve already been here for five hours.”




“…YOOCHUN. Can we leave, now? We’ve been sitting in the car for hours--”


“--Five. He’s obviously not in this neighborhood. We look suspicious just sitting here like this…”



The older male jerked, blinking as he turned to them. “Eh? What is it?” Changmin, in the passenger seat, sighed and shook his head. He was tired of this whole stalking mission. It was becoming a bother; there was plenty he’d rather be doing right now. Buying a birthday present for his hyung was one.

“I said he’s obviously not here. At least, not now. We haven’t seen anyone who you recognize around here.”

Yoochun looked ready to protest but then closed his mouth, slumping in the driver’s seat. “…No…” he said, agreeing to the fact. They had yet to spot the guy; he had been confident that he would be able to recognize him the minute he saw him. Whose to say that they hadn’t already missed him? What if he was no longer staying with a friend? That’s what Henry said the ‘sleazy, skinny Jap cashier’ had told them. …He had yet to figure out the story behind that one.

“So why don’t we head back? I don‘t know…‘tomorrows another day’, etc, etc,” Henry mumbled from the back seat. “You can come back or we could try the club again. That guy might have gone to the club asking about his coat, and if he knows someone was looking to return it to him, there may be a chance of meeting him there again.” He gestured to the black jacket that was draped across the seat beside him. Yoochun looked at him in the rear view mirror…contemplating…stalling…

He finally pouted, grumbling as he fastened his seat belt. “Fine, …only because we haven’t eaten in hours and Min absorbs food like a sponge.”

Changmin sputtered, turning away from the window as a cab rolled by. “What? I do not!” Henry snickered in the backseat.

“Yes you do.” The two began to playfully bicker, tossing words back and forth. Yoochun rolled his eyes, looking around to make sure his car was clear. Then he froze.

“So where are we going to eat?”

“Why don’t we call Jaejoong hyung and find out if where he is. Maybe we could eat together.”

“What do you think, hyung?” …… “Yoochun?” Changmin turned to the male, realizing he wasn’t hearing a word. He was staring out of the car window, speechless. What in the world? He followed his gaze to the house just ahead of them where a cab was parked, waiting. A guy was leaving the house, having just locked the door, and was making his way toward the vehicle. Changmin blinked.

He looked back at his stunned hyung, to the guy walking, back to Yoochun, back to the guy who was now getting into the cab and giving a very clear view of his rear; he did have an as--hips. He turned back to Yoochun, pointing in amazement as Henry’s own voice from the back seat expressed his feelings for him.

“That’s him?!” Yoochun could barely manage a nod, dumbfounded at what had to be a miracle. He’d only been able to imagine before, from a drunken memory, but now that he could actually see Junsu…Gods…A hand waved abruptly in his face, disrupting his musings.

“Earth to hyung! Your ‘precious angel’ just left!” Changmin cried urgently. He’d be damned if they came all this way and wasted time they could have been using to eat, just to watch the target slip away like this. …Even if there was practically zero chance of his hyung getting anywhere with that guy…he kept that to himself.

Yoochun’s eyes widened and he frantically looked around. “WHAT? Where? Just now?!” his dongsaeng jabbed a finger out ahead of them, gesturing to the smudge of yellow that was disappearing around the street corner. He anxiously cranked the car and sped off, sending Henry rolling in the back seat like a doll.

“Hey! Warning, maybe?!” His complaint fell on deaf ears; the driver was now too occupied with tailing the taxi ahead of them. They weren’t far behind, until they reached the busy city and were cut off by traffic. Cars were blocking their view of the taxi, and Changmin reached over to put a comforting hand on Yoochun’s shoulder.

“Breathe, hyung! We wont lose him.” the other male was starting to show signs of hyperventilation; gripping the steering wheel tightly with wide eyes. “Crap, I don’t think he can hear me,” Changmin sighed. He turned to Henry in the backseat. “Quick, call Jaejoong hyung and see if he’s nearby. We might need help.”

Henry nodded, giving Yoochun a wary glance as he whipped out his cell phone and dialed the correct number. The phone rang twice before a voice answered on the other line.


The Chinese male sighed in relief. “Hyung, we have a…situation.”

“Eh? What’s going on?”



“…Henry, was that Changmin just now?”

“…Yes,” Henry grit out, gripping the car seat for dear life.

“What the hell is going on?”

“We were ‘staking out’ in that neighborhood, and we found that ‘Junsu’ guy that Yoochun has been looking for. We’re following him in a car now, but we’re close to losing him. Yoochun has lost all traces of sanity.” The car gave a violent lurch as they avoided a truck, and Henry whimpered. “…Hyung I don’t want to die.”

Jaejoong sighed on his end. “Alright, alright. I don’t need any of you dying on me, especially not before my birthday. Where are you?”

“Um…” the car came to a stop, and Henry chanced a peek out of the window. “We’re back in town, um…not far from the club actually. I think I can almost see the café from here.”

“Really? I’m in that area right now. I still had something important to do, so at least I can now do that and help you guys handle Yoochun.”

“Actually, I think we’ve stopped. Yoochun is now glancing back and forth out of the window…the taxi’s gone so…I think we've lost him--” the elder male whirled around in his driver’s seat to glare at him fiercely.

“We have not.”

“OKAY! We didn’t!” he shrunk back, leaving Changmin to calm Yoochun down. “Hyung, please. The booty beauty has cracked his mind.”

“…Henry, don’t ever say that again. Chun might save it for reference. Don’t worry, I’m nearby. If we meet up we might have a chance to find the guy and end this mayhem. Meet me at the café, I‘m with Yunho waiting to meet someone.”

“Alright hyung.” he closed his phone, turning to see how his boyfriend was handling the mental patient in the front seat. “Jaejoong says to meet him at the café.

Changmin nodded. “Hyung…hyung…Yoochun, we have to meet Jaejoong hyung at the café; we can find your guy easier then, okay?” Yoochun had yet to listen to him; staring out of the window with an impressive look of determination.

“Right, left…where the hell did he go??!” he griped. Changmin tugged incessantly on his arm, but he was hardly aware of it. A flash of short, brown hair caught his eyes for a split-second as a random boy disappeared into the crowd, and Yoochun jerked the car door open without a second thought and bolted.

“AH, HYUNG!” Changmin cried in disbelief; Henry mimicked his feelings with a dropped jaw and wide eyes.

“The hell? Get him, we need to find Jaejoong--”

“No, lets find them first, then go after Yoochun. If anyone can knock some sense into him, Jaejoong hyung can.”

“You go, I’ll follow him.”

The two nodded in agreement before jumping out of the car and splitting off in opposite directions. Henry sped into the small crowd nearby, barely able to keep up with the speck of brunet that was running too fast to be legal. Changmin made his way towards the café close by, muttering excuses to anyone he accidentally bumped into. It only took him two minutes to reach the small establishment; a number of tables were placed outside for customers, for their comfort if they chose to eat and drink outside of the shop.

Changmin slowed down, leaning against an empty table to catch his breath. He gazed around, looking for a specific dark head of hair, suddenly catching sight of two people he was more than grateful to see. Thank goodness Yunho was there as well.

“Ah, hyung-deul!” he called out lightly, jogging over to where they stood together. He didn’t notice the pair of strangers standing with them at first; reaching them, he immediately grasped Jaejoong’s hand and gave him a pleading look. “Hyung, you have to help, that idiot ran off. Henry is chasing him right now.”

Jaejoong traded looks of exasperation with his boyfriend, sighing. “Are you serious? What is he…aigoo.” He shook his head, then jumped lightly as if he had forgotten something. “Ah, we’re being rude. Min, say hello to my cousin and his friend. You guys haven’t met yet.” he pointed to the two sitting near him.

Changmin blinked in surprise, not having realized that there was anyone else with them. “Oh, I’m sorry,” he turned to the pair. “I’m Changm--” he stopped, gaped, and stared. No way… The two boys frowned at him in confusion, wondering what was wrong. Jaejoong shook him out of his stupor, raising an eyebrow when the taller boy turned to him with wide eyes.

“Changmin, what is it? He questioned. The boy tried pointing towards his cousin, unable to grasp words. “H-he-”

“Jaejoong, what’s going on?” his cousin asked, unnerved. The raven-haired male shrugged.

“I have no idea--”

“Changmin!” a voice called. The small group turned to see Henry walking towards them hastily. He gave a big sigh when he reached them. “I…almost…got him. He…He ran this way. Have no idea…where he is.” he panted. Noticing the look on his boyfriend’s face, he frowned. “…what’s going on?” Changmin said nothing, only moving to the side so that Henry had a clear view of the two strangers with them. Henry’s jaw dropped. “Whoa…”

Fed up, Yunho growled in annoyance. “What is with you two? You’re being rude.” he gave the confused boys a glance. “And you’re confusing the hell out of them.”

One of the boys crossed his arms, undoubtedly annoyed. “I don’t know what’s going on, but you two are Changmin and Henry, right? Jaejoong was just telling us about you.” Jaejoong nodded, deciding to finish the introductions properly.

“Yeah…Min, Henry, this is Eunhyuk. He’s a friend of mine. I found out he lives around in that neighborhood you guys were checking out.” he smiled. “And you guys never met my cousin--”

“AIIIYEE!” A sharp, shrill, squeal sounded as Jaejoong’s cousin jumped nearly a foot into the air, dropping the large gift bag he’d been holding onto the entire time, to grasp his behind as he whirled around and slapped the offender violently.

The entire group jolted in shock, each one of them peering down at the crouched figure who was now lying on the ground in pain; a red handprint practically branded into his cheek. “Owww…”

Jaejoong was the first to recognize him (although he was loathed to admit it). “YOOCHUN! What the hell are you doing?!!” His cousin turned to him with a mix of lingering appall and shock, before looking back at the jerk who had pinched his rear. Yoochun looked up as well, locking eyes with him. Both sets widened, before the two pointed at each other; one in glee and the other in amazement.


The rest of the boys gave a simultaneous look of ‘Huh?’ at the sight. Great, now they all were confused. Jaejoong looked helplessly at Yunho, who only shrugged.

“How dare you!” his cousin yelled, still pointing at Yoochun.

Yoochun ignored the anger apparent on the slender male’s face, breaking out into a grin. “I found you!” he looked to be on the verge of performing a giddy dance. “You have no idea how long it took, Junsu ah.”

Junsu felt his anger fade as bewilderment overpowered it. Eunhyuk looked back and forth between them all, absolutely lost. Yunho and Jaejoong mirrored each other’s looks of…any alternate word for shock, and Henry and Changmin only sighed, their knowledge confirmed.

“What are you talking about?” Junsu asked, glaring. Henry, eager to get to the bottom of things, waved his hands wildly as if it would somehow clear everything. Gods he could feel a migraine coming on.

“Wait, wait, wait. Are you serious? He’s really the Junsu you’ve been stalking this whole time?”

Junsu blanched. “STALKING?!” he shrieked. Jaejoong rested a hand on his shoulder to calm him.

“You recognize Yoochun from a night at Club Fatum, right?” the other nodded. “He was um, trying to get in touch with you. He even has a jacket that must be yours; it was left behind in a club.” he shook his head in amazement. “I had no idea it was you, though.”

“It’s true,” Junsu fumed, turning to give another glare at Yoochun as he rose to his feet, dusting off his clothes. “If this is how you act when you’re sober, I should have just left you drunk; your social skills are much better then.” the brunet merely gave him a love struck gaze, complete with ‘googly’ eyes and floating hearts. He shivered.

“Eh, hyung, how did you not know, it was Junsu? He’s your cousin.” Changmin pointed out, starting to grow annoyed. All this crap they went through, and they could’ve had the person all along? Henry nodded in agreement.

Jaejoong glared. “Why should I suspect that they were the same person? Junsu doesn’t live here, he was supposed to be coming into town on my birthday, staying a few weeks and then leaving. There was no clue that they were the same person.” he countered.

“How many Kim Junsu’s have a butt like that?” Yoochun asked in disbelief, pointed to Junsu, who flushed at the comment and glared. "That's 100% (Kamo) Duck." Death glare.

Jaejoong struggled to find a counter for that, finding none. “Yeah, well, how was I supposed to know he came early when he didn‘t tell me?” as an afterthought, he turned to his cousin. “Why didn’t you tell me, anyway?”

Junsu sighed, bending down (and away from Yoochun‘s leer) to pick up the large gift bag he had dropped. “Because, I needed a few days to get this, and I didn’t want to see you until I had it. I stayed at Eunhyuk’s up until now.” he handed the bag over to Jaejoong, who eagerly peered into the bag and let out an odd sound of joy. He reached in and pulled out a gorgeous black coat, identical to the one they had retrieved from the club, all except for the customized print of the nickname ‘Hero’ that covered the back of it.

“Whoa, Keita wasn’t lying, then,” Changmin commented, immediately regretting so with a wince as Henry growled beside him. “I mean…that guy.”

“Oh so you remember his name? Got his phone number too I bet, don’t you? Or have you already done him when I wasn’t looking?!” Henry sneered.

“Not now, people are staring.” Changmin pleaded, (with what was in fact, the truth. Ever since Junsu’s squeal, people had been watching curiously). When it didn’t work, he tried another source. “Hyu~ng, help.”

Jaejoong nuzzled his new coat happily, giving his cousin a giant hug as well. “You’re the best cousin, ever. I’m sorry Yoochun harassed you. He wont ever do it again” he swore. Yoochun gave a sound of protest.

“But Jaejo~oong. I worked so hard to find him. Finders Keepers.”

Junsu dropped his arms from around his cousin to look at him in disbelief. “I am not a TOY, you jerk!” he nearly lunged at the other before Eunhyuk and Jaejoong managed to pull him back. Junsu gave in and shrugged them off. “I’ll come by your house later with my things,” he directed to his cousin. “I’ll get my coat then, but if he’s there, he’d better not come any where near me.” he stalked off in a huff, ignoring Yoochun’s cry of ‘call me!’ as he did.

Eunhyuk smirked in amusement, knowing that he had enough material to annoy Junsu for months. He turned to Yoochun mischievously. “You might want to try him another day, maybe when he’s having fun at the party or hanging out. He can be easy if you get him in a good mood.” he leaned in close. “He told me he thought you were cute when he helped you that night, drunk or no.”

Yoochun’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. “Really?”



“Coming, Master!” Eunhyuk called, laughing as he ran to catch up with the angry boy.

Yoochun watched them leave with misty eyes, waving solemnly. “Bye, bye, booty…”

Jaejoong sighed, taking a step back so that he was beside Yunho, and looked at his dongsaengs with a critical eye. One was waving goodbye to his newest obsession that just so happened to be his cousin, and the other two were currently engaging in a one-sided shout match.

“You know,” he said, leaning against his lover. “It’s times like this that I’m so glad we turned out to be a normal couple.”

“Tell me about it.” Yunho, replied, nodding.


Oh. The crack. Lol. Edit: I don't do have any some plans to do a sequel for it, but if anyone else wants to, let me know XD

Sorry for all the delays with the other fics, guys. I’m trying to write more than one, because some days I’m in a mood that fits one story, then the next minute I’m in the mood for another. Of course as you can guess, that’s making things slow. I’ve judged the chapters so far, however, so I have an idea of what’s coming out before what. I’ll try to keep you all updated.

I’m currently working on a one-shot that
tumi18  got as a prize from me :3 (As well as the prologues for two new stories and the updates for ML & Meta.) Another is still up for grabs. I just want to know the song that Junsu danced to in his My page solo intro-vid. ^-^ You get a YooSu/YunJae one shot of your choice.

Off to write more~


fics, yunjae, yoosu, henchangta, crack, cutie with a booty

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